Is this tour date confirmed?


The crazy girl in front
On the Jaxx website, it says that Symphony X will be playing there on Nov. 21, but I don't see this date listed on the SyX website. I remember hearing that Jay Nedry said the band was coming even though they had no idea about it. So can anyone tell me if this date is actually confirmed yet?
Not yet. Jaxx has a bad habit of announcing SymX shows before anyone's even spoken to the band, though, so this is not a surprise. Stay tuned for confirmed dates..hopefully we'll know soon when & where they'll be hitting the road.
Medusa's eyes said:
I wish they would play with a real orchestra sometime. That would be sooooo awesome! Can you imagine how it sounds like when you hear The Odyssey live with a big orchestra? !:OMG:

It would be a whole lot better (and make a whole lot more sense) than Metallica playing with an orchestra. At least SyX has something original for them to do.

No offense to anyone who liked what Metallica did with the orchestra, but I personally thought it was just plain stupid. It made no sense at all to have an orchestra playing behind them. And it sounded lousy to boot. It's amazing what you can get away with when you're famous! Just look at OJ! :)
Medusa's eyes said:
I wish they would play with a real orchestra sometime. That would be sooooo awesome! Can you imagine how it sounds like when you hear The Odyssey live with a big orchestra? !:OMG:

Actually, this is something that Romeo has said that he would love to do, so ya never know.. :)
Yep, I'm Jax..Lady of the Oracle..Listmom..Hey You..I answer to all of them ;)

Jaxx, on the other hand, is a venue in Northern Virginia :)
Lady of the Oracle said:
Actually, this is something that Romeo has said that he would love to do, so ya never know.. :)

i REALLY HOPE for them to achieve this goal

unfortunaly SymX isn't a really "powerful" band and I don't know how easy/difficult it would be for them to do this, but lets wait what the future holds :)
I read in a interveiw with Romeo. the interviewer asked if another solo album is on the way. He he said he'd like to do a instrumental album with Pinnella on Piano and a orchestra behind them.
But that was a long time ago.