Is wearing a band's shirt to a concert the "wrong" thing to do?


Arrogant Dickhead
Sep 5, 2002
St. Paul, MN
Ok, I know this is a fairly silly thread, but my ex brought up the idea of posting here and seeing what everyone else thinks, and so I thought it was worth a shot.

Lately, I've been hearing a ton of people saying that its a total no-no to wear say, a Mayhem shirt to a Mayhem show, for example. Not so much just Mayhem, but moreso any band's shirt that is playing at that particular show. I find this absolutely asinine. They always say that they would never want to be "that guy" who does that.

First off, isnt that the point of the tshirt? To show your support? Why wouldnt you advertise who you were there for? I always found it silly at say, a Metallica show, when someone wore a Megadeth shirt. Now what the fuck is that all about? Wear the band's shirt that youre there to see. Not a rival. I find that dumb.

But again, back to my point - bands sell their merch at shows. So, if this theory were true, if you bought a shirt at the show, youre not supposed to wear it then?

I've been hearing more and more people say that it's a total faux paus (I know I just royally fucked that spelling) to do that. And I am completely incredulous as to why.

Could anyone shed some light on this point?
I never quite understood that whole concept either. Most of my friends don't really care what anyone wears to any show, whether it be a band that's playing or not. Maybe some people watched PCU and took it a bit too seriously?
I have one friend in particular who is a complete fucking dork about that. He utterly REFUSES to wear the shirt of the band he is going to see, and "can't believe" that I tend to do that. I usually tell him to go piss up a rope! I have never understood this whole "I'm too cool to wear their shirt at the show" bologna!
I used to think it was silly when people would wear the tshirt of a band they are seeing live. Always thought "okay dude, you're a fan. We get it." I really don't care anymore though, another's attire doesn't concern me much. :)

It was cool to see a dude wearing an Opeth shirt to a Les Claypool show though.
Didn't you ever see that episode of Saturday Night Live.."Never where the tee shirt of the band you're going to see!! Don't be that guy!" haha..I'm afraid I've not heeded this one on several occasions.
In general, i think people say this becasue, NO Shit, you like the band your seeing, or else your not going to be there, or your heinously whipped. Also, i imagine it might have started because everyone would wear, for instance, a metallica shirt to a metallica concert, which would be odd to see an entire stadium full of people wearing the same shirt, not to mention the fact almost every metalhead wears jeans to shows.

which brings me to an odd point. every show ive been to ive worn jeans and a black shirt, along with the majority of the people there. Isn't metal great ?

However, if you buy a shirt at the concert then you damn well better wear it so you dont lose it. . . hope that wee bit of light is enough of an answer, cause its as much that i have been able to figure out myself.

Just don't be 'that guy'

HAHA! I'm one of the clan of "No shit you like the band, you're here afterall!"

I don't normally care, but I do laugh and start going into the "Don't be that guy" thing everytime I see someone at a show wearing the band's shirt! I do this only because I think it's damn funny :lol: If you buy the shirt at the show it's usually pretty obvious so I don't think it would matter...

This whole issue isn't really an "issue" or a "problem" instead it's just really FUNNY, that's all! I would feel ridiculous wearing the band's shirt to their show, unless it was from a legendary tour from years ago that would be unique to wear. ... Other than that, what the hell is the point of wearing the band shirt? The band more than likely isn't going to see you wearing the shirt, and everyone there already knows you support them, so why not take the opportunity to show your taste in other bands?

i weat a the shirt of the band i'm there to se. i wanna show my support.

i think people dont like todo it because it makes em seem like a groupie or somthin. which to them is extreme
It's not cool to be "that guy", I'm sorry. Like sh0k said, obviously you like the band or else you wouldn't be at the show.
I, for one, am all about wearing whatever the fuck I feel like at a metal show. I hate elitist assholes who will talk shit on someone just because their not wearing an "underground" t-shirt or something.