Is wearing a band's shirt to a concert the "wrong" thing to do?

Originally posted by Silver Raven
GRRR.. You left yourself logged in.
The Havoc I could have caused... Hmmm....

The only shirts I own are pretty much band shirts... So I'm always wearing one to a show. You never find me standing in the closet trying to decide what to wear though... heh. Grab one and go. I happened to be wearing my De Profundis shirt to a Vader gig a few years ago. I was front and center in front of Peter, who gave me the horns and a nod when they came out on stage, and Doc signed it after the gig while we were drinking and bullshitting by the bus, so that was a pretty cool coincidence I guess.
Originally posted by BasilisK 3 7 77
The Havoc I could have caused... Hmmm....

But you wouldnt because you are nice and sweet :) Or Id probably would of kicked your ass if you did :p

I see nothing wrong at all wearing a bands shirt to their gig. I mean you are supporting that you like their shit so why not show it. People who say it is a no-no apparently are the ones who are too damn cheap to buy a bands shirt!
don't be "that guy". there is a good reason why you shouldn't be "that guy". first, you are already showing your support for the band by attending their concert and cheering when they play songs. second, by wearing the tshirt of the band you are seeing, you give the impression of being one of "those people" who go to a concert to see one band and one band only. "fuck those opening bands. fuck the headlining band. i came late and am leaving early so i only see one band, my band, the band whose tshirt i am wearing". i have seen it happen. a bunch of kiddies came to iced earth/in flames with their inflames shirts on, and left before iced earth took the stage. they were "that guy".
Honestly who the hell gives a damn ? If any of you do ....well need a bloody hobby or something. Let the fucken person wear whatever the hell they want to wear. Is it somehow painful to the eyes to see the shirt of a band you yourself obviously like since ya came to that show ? Does it wake you up at night like a nightmare ? .....Grow the fuck up.
Originally posted by Faggotcide
if people have a problem with it they can suck my fucking balls

Pretty funny comment coming from someone who likes to call himself "faggotcide" eh?

With each comment, you get dumber and dumber. I'm waiting for the day it'll soon be single-syllable grunts.
Oh, and btw, wear whatever the fuck you want to wear. Though I give bonus points for cool bands' shirts. Like, it's always nice to go to an Arch Enemy show and see someone wearing a Vehemence shirt, or going to a Kreator show and seeing someone wearing a Primordial shirt.
I am wondering how this grew to two pages. Who cares what the shirt says? I have never heard of any silly T-shirt etiquette at any concert. That rule sounds to me like some kid just made it up.
Wear what you want (except track pants and a mullet) and you'll look fine.

BTW, I am a t-shirt watcher at shows. I like to see what people are digging.
Originally posted by Vienyard
Ok, I know this is a fairly silly thread,

Looks like people dont know how to read. I acknowledged that this was a pretty silly topic from the get go. I was just curious about what people have heard on this. Thats all. I'm not worried about breaking some gay rule about shirts at shows. It ultimately comes down to me wearing what the fuck I want to, not what someone else dictates.