Isis - "In the Absence of Truth"

I found it pretty damn meh, despite being a huge Lateralus fan (allegedly what it is heavily influenced by)...they were awesome live with Tool though.
Took me a lot of listens to really take it all in and appreciate it fully, and I love it now. Theres a lot to it, which makes sense cause they spent more time writing it then any of their other albums. Apparently one of the songs took them around 8 or 9 months to finish. Its different then what I expected, but overall I think thats better in the long run. ^_^
I bought it yesterday when it was released though so far I've only had chance to hear it all the way through once. My initial reaction is very positive and I'm looking forward to getting to know these songs.

V.V.V.V.V. said:
I found it pretty damn meh, despite being a huge Lateralus fan (allegedly what it is heavily influenced by)...

Where did you hear that?
hibernal_dream said:
I like it but I can't imagine any of the songs taking 8 months to finish. It seems a lot less intricate than, say, Oceanic.

Really? I thought they stepped up the complexity, especially in the percussion department.
Necro Joe said:
Where did you hear that?

From everyone I knew who heard it; they all said it had a very Lateralus vibe. And I generally agreed, but obviously in their own style as well.
I'm not really hearing the Tool comparison, from two listens it mostly sounds like a steady progression from Panopticon with longer, more intricate mellow parts and the odd Celestial-ish riff here and there. Busier drumming does not equal Tool influence.
Necro Joe said:
I'm not really hearing the Tool comparison, from two listens it mostly sounds like a steady progression from Panopticon with longer, more intricate mellow parts and the odd Celestial-ish riff here and there. Busier drumming does not equal Tool influence.

Agreed. I'd credit the more tribal drumming style to Neurosis... but seeing as Aaron did take lessons from Danny, its kinda hard to deny the influence.

I was confused as to all the Tool comparisons when I first heard it, but then I started listening to Tool again lately and I can see some similar things. Of course the album is still 100% ISIS. :)
shit, I completely spaced on the topic and thought you were talking about Clearing the Eye

I like it, yet I think Panopticon was much better. Then again I felt Panopticon had the best vocals out of any Isis album to date