Isis / Pelican / Tombs


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
So I went to my first show in years. A pretty good venue in Houston called Meridian. Went with a coworker who is into similar music. I admit I went more for Pelican, as Isis has always been hit or miss, and Australasia will always be the album Isis could never make.

Tombs was an intense 3-piece band. Very Isis like without the boring soundscapes. A beast of a drummer. They made my ears hurt and I thanked em for it.

Pelican won the night. I enjoyed every minute even if nothing played was from Australasia. Most was from City of Echoes and Fire in Our Throats as well as new songs from Ephemeral. The drummer looks so BORED, like he could play those damn drums in his sleep.

Isis put on a good show, with most stuff coming from the new album. They played two from Panopticon, and nothing from their masterpiece, Oceanic. Aaron Turner looks lik an insane lumberjack up there with a long beard and a buttoned up all the way to the neck shirt. they can be boring because their songs take a long time to build.

i thought it was cool that the pelican and tombs guys came out and started selling their merch. i bought the new pelican ep and a tombs cd.

im glad i went. good show. my neck and legs hurt and my ears feel like their clogged with cotton balls.