Pelican , Red Sparowes , Mare & co.

dubloth said:
callisto (very much like cult of luna)

they are on earache too, go figure and touring with COL, oh and they are from finland.

Was supposed to see them live , they cancelled their tour . They're not THE band of the century but they got a bunch of decent/good/very good songs.
Dev said:
Was supposed to see them live , they cancelled their tour . They're not THE band of the century but they got a bunch of decent/good/very good songs.

And they have the opening riff of "Cold Stare" :worship:
Actually they could have dropped all the other songs and send just that riff clocking in at 40 minutes or so, then "True Nature Unfolds" would be album of the year above all concurrence.
God dammit I still need to check out Mare and Pelican.

The Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra and Tra-la-la Band are excellent, or at least Born Into Trouble as the Sparks Fly Upward is (the only one I know). They are a GY!BE side project, and I tend to like them better. Plus the album cover is UNRULY:

I love Australasia. Usually I prefer music with vocals, though they are not essential. But Pelican, there's just something special about Australasia. Vocals would totally ruin that album.
Seconded . Anyone else thinks that Pelican is totally "NAD" music? (i.e GO BUY AUSTALASIA MOFO)
The lazy ass I am is searching for Mono @ decent price.While we're at it , a recommandation for a generalist non-metal music e-shop would be great , some market places on eGay do the job for me most of the time..