Issue with Drumagog


Jan 12, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Hey guys, this is my first post, but I've been reading this forum for tips for some time now. So I'm kinda hoping for some help with this issue I have.

I used the Drumagog Demo a few months ago and I really liked it, but then it expired.

I finally got up the courage to buy the thing and now I cant get the demo to go away so that I can install the new full version. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Just so you know I'm on a MacBook Pro and I usually use Logic and ProTools HD.

Thanks in advance guys.
Honestly, it's not that simple, since it's a plugin. I'm not sure where all the pieces are since there isn't a stand alone application. Nice try though. =]
and i'd return drumagog and buy trigger

+1 Trigger is fantastic.

The .gog files, if you're worried about losing those, are in C:/Program Files/Drumagog40/Gogs, or something similar to that. Not sure about Mac. The VST .dll will be with all your other ones, for me its C:/Program Files/Cakewalk Sonar/Vstplugins.
My friend was having the same Problem... but it was because he used a torrent. :)