It aint metal, but Could you rate my mix?


New Metal Member
Aug 22, 2012
Far from metal sorry but this is the only community I have xD

Its a Green Day cover, I did the mixign, and some "mastering" (to make it louder and ye)

Does everything sound alright?

I recorded everything myself except the drums.

Guitars : Epiphone Les Paul 100 > LeBrit > JMK Impulses
Bass : Squier Fender P Bass > GR 5
Drums > Superior Drummer
Vocals > AT2020 > my voice xD

Anyway a rate would be nice! I want to see how I can improve~

Stupid embed isnt working
listening on my laptop so not really "critical listening"

LeBrit acts surprisingly real on the chord fadeouts and such. kind of interesting.
Is your room treated? The cymbals are loud and betrays the fact they aren't real. Usually this means you're not hearing them as well in your room
timing is off in the intro and occasionally throughout. Beat one is your friend pay particular attention to it vocally

as far as tones I think you caught the vibe of the original you just need a more convincing vocal delivery. That snotty punk attitude is what makes it fun. You dont sound like you "mean it" if that makes sense?

hope that's helpful and not dickish:rock: