It begins AGAIN

Burke said:

Hell yeah, man!!! Enchant needs to play ProgPower and I still need to see Enchant live! If people are serious about Enchant playing ProgPower, NOW is the time to demonstrate your support and and make sure that the PP community understands how much love there really is for this band!!!

It was great meeting you, Kev, and Robert in person too! We need to kick Ed's ass for not making it again though! ;) I still owe you a phone call too. Just trying to get things settled down (like that will ever happen in my life :lol: ).

Another round of shots is due if these guys are there next year! Hell, like we need an excuse for that. ;)
Rick Pierpont said:
Hell yeah, man!!! Enchant needs to play ProgPower and I still need to see Enchant live! If people are serious about Enchant playing ProgPower, NOW is the time to demonstrate your support and and make sure that the PP community understands how much love there really is for this band!!!

It was great meeting you, Kev, and Robert in person too! We need to kick Ed's ass for not making it again though! ;) I still owe you a phone call too. Just trying to get things settled down (like that will ever happen in my life :lol: ).

Another round of shots is due if these guys are there next year! Hell, like we need an excuse for that. ;)
Great meeting you too Rick! Yeah I got the next round! :kickass: How many pages back did you have to go to unearth that thread? I'm glad that you did though. 144 replies would be better than the dozen or so that we'd have with a new one! So we'll have to get it up to 288! :p
Hey it really was a bummer to have to miss it again. Things just got incredibly busy again for me. I had some stuff come up and no way I could swing it. I was really looking forward to seeing Zero Hour up there where they belonged and some of the incrdible acts that Glenn brings in every year. This guy does a fantastic job with the festival.

Hey you guys are golden with all this support, we really do appreciate it. Seems like a lot of people would really like to see us there in the future.

What blows me away is the support from the metal community? damn that rules! and so do you guys!


Rick Pierpont said:
Hell yeah, man!!! Enchant needs to play ProgPower and I still need to see Enchant live! If people are serious about Enchant playing ProgPower, NOW is the time to demonstrate your support and and make sure that the PP community understands how much love there really is for this band!!!

It was great meeting you, Kev, and Robert in person too! We need to kick Ed's ass for not making it again though! ;) I still owe you a phone call too. Just trying to get things settled down (like that will ever happen in my life :lol: ).

Another round of shots is due if these guys are there next year! Hell, like we need an excuse for that. ;)
Unca Kev said:
Great meeting you too Rick! Yeah I got the next round! :kickass: How many pages back did you have to go to unearth that thread? I'm glad that you did though. 144 replies would be better than the dozen or so that we'd have with a new one! So we'll have to get it up to 288! :p
Hell yeah!! Hey, we'll all take turns next time -- of course me being a lightweight I'l be staggering around like Krusty! :lol:

Actually, I didn't have to go back. Someone named Anakinnnn dug it out and posted. I saw that and had to post on it again! ;) I had planned on starting the campaign again, Anakinnnn beat me to it and I'm happy about that!!! The nice thing is that it seems to be getting various people posting on it and showing some love. The PP forum has been so busy that I just found it back down on page 3 and it had been 2 days since it was last posted on. I just changed that!

Later dude!
ebass said:
Hey it really was a bummer to have to miss it again. Things just got incredibly busy again for me. I had some stuff come up and no way I could swing it. I was really looking forward to seeing Zero Hour up there where they belonged and some of the incrdible acts that Glenn brings in every year. This guy does a fantastic job with the festival.

Hey you guys are golden with all this support, we really do appreciate it. Seems like a lot of people would really like to see us there in the future.

What blows me away is the support from the metal community? damn that rules! and so do you guys!

Yeah, and I really was looking forward to finally meeting you in person. I have a feeling that will happen at some point in the near future. Just plan on it for next year and block the time out on your calendar NOW!!!! Although, you won't have a choice in attending since you'll be playing!!! Zero Hour was awesome! I'm sure you would've enjoyed that show. We were standing on the rail directly in front of Troy (right where I was for PP1 also) and that boy is SICK!!!!! I mean, they all are, but holy shit Troy's right hand is as sick as his left. Matt and I both agreed that he was the best bassist of all 14 bands involved this year.

You're getting the support because you guys deserve it! It still blows my mind that y'all haven't played the festival yet. That will change! :headbang:
Rick Pierpont said:
Hell yeah!! Hey, we'll all take turns next time -- of course me being a lightweight I'l be staggering around like Krusty! :lol:
Krusty! LMAO! That guy was as fucked up as Keith Richards!
Rick Pierpont said:
Zero Hour was awesome! I'm sure you would've enjoyed that show. We were standing on the rail directly in front of Troy (right where I was for PP1 also) and that boy is SICK!!!!! I mean, they all are, but holy shit Troy's right hand is as sick as his left. Matt and I both agreed that he was the best bassist of all 14 bands involved this year.
Troy was definitely the best bassist of the year, in FAR! My regret is that we missed the first couple or few songs! I know that us bassists in the audience got schooled! :headbang:
Hey, that was me that dug up the old post.......I think I might have been the one to start the original wayyyyyyyyyyy back. It seems like it is tradition for me every year now to start the propaganda for Enchant for the next Progpower and this year is no different.......thanks for backing me up on that post gang.....let's keep it alive.......what other post has almost 150 responses to it and is still alive??? :)
Thanks.......and remember........
