Congrats to Ed on His Conklin Endorsement!


Well, having started a thread congratulating Doug on hs Fernandes endorsement already, it just wouldn't be right not to do so for Ed for his Conklin deal!! :) :) :)

Congratulations Ed!


Damn, that's a gorgeous bass! :headbang:

--Keith :D
Congrats, man! I'm really interested in getting to hear what you can do with that beast.

(I can't really imagine playing one myself, though... how heavy is this heap of metal?! And the fretboard probably would be much too wide for my tiny hands. I'll never get them on any bass like this in my part of the world, so it doesn't really matter anyway. Sorry, I'm ranting. ;))
:headbang: congrat-u-lations, mr. platt!! damn, that's a pretty bad-ass bass! can't wait to hear what u can do with it! one more reason to get the new album rrrrolling. :D

keep up the great news, guys! y'all smokin! :hotjump:
Actually this one is as light as my Kubicki, or lighter? it is pretty amazing and really easy to play. The neck is not as wide as you would expect. Bill Conklin makes amazing 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 11 strings as well, crazy hah, and the guitars are supposed to be killer also. I think you can order one from anywhere.

I got the tip from Nick Van Dyke of Redemption who has a few custom 8 string guitars.

I have never been into the 5,or 6 string basses at all but this is cool.

Thanks everyone for the congrats and well wishes, I appreciate it.

The Stormbringer said:
Congrats, man! I'm really interested in getting to hear what you can do with that beast.

(I can't really imagine playing one myself, though... how heavy is this heap of metal?! And the fretboard probably would be much too wide for my tiny hands. I'll never get them on any bass like this in my part of the world, so it doesn't really matter anyway. Sorry, I'm ranting. ;))
ebass said:
Actually this one is as light as my Kubicki, or lighter? it is pretty amazing and really easy to play. The neck is not as wide as you would expect. Bill Conklin makes amazing 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 11 strings as well, crazy hah, and the guitars are supposed to be killer also. I think you can order one from anywhere.
Surely, but my wallet isn't "custom-built" to pay 4000$, if you get me. ;) Besides, I feel that my knowledge about basses isn't big enough to order a bass I have never played in good conscience... I value play-testing very much.
Congrats on the endorsement, bro.

I remember back when Wes used to say "but Ed...He plays bass lead guitarist!"

I always thought of that as a resounding compliment, Ed.

I can't wait to hear that 7-string beast!

Not sure Keith

If I can get it to sound right for what we are playing in this set I might just break it out. It might be really cool for a few of these. It is nice having the low B on the beast.

I just used it in the studio on another project that is in the works and it sounded pretty good. More of a metal thing, really heavy.

We shall see

So, Ed -- will this 7-string machine be making an appearance on the eve of March 24 at a certain concert? :)

Not sure Keith

If I can get it to sound right for what we are playing in this set I might just break it out. It might be really cool for a few of these. It is nice having the low B on the beast.
Yeah having a low B is great! Not to mention the high C and F strings! I'd love to hear you break that out on stage and see & hear what you do with the added range! :kickass:
I just used it in the studio on another project that is in the works and it sounded pretty good. More of a metal thing, really heavy.

We shall see
I can't wait to hear this project! :headbang:
Even if you can't get it perfect, heck -- even a mid-show "And now, a word from our sponsors!" with you showing off what that thing can do on an improv thing would be awesome!!


(And I'm not even going to ASK about the "other project" as I figure you can't talk about it yet!)
This is the dude that tears the GT7 apart and is simply beyond words. I am really into this right now. Check out his video "the collection" if you are serious about playing funk and slap bass. It is a MUST.

When I get a better feel for this beast I will break it out. It does have a really wide range, you can slap in three octaves across the neck.

Pretty insane actually.
This is the dude that tears the GT7 apart and is simply beyond words. I am really into this right now. Check out his video "the collection" if you are serious about playing funk and slap bass. It is a MUST.

When I get a better feel for this beast I will break it out. It does have a really wide range, you can slap in three octaves across the neck.

Pretty insane actually.
Oh Yeah! I've seen this guy tear it up on "The Day The Bass Players Took Over The World" video! He's an insane monster on this bass!!! You know a bass player is the shit, when Victor Wooten, of all people, calls him the "Buddha of Bass"*! Thanks for that link Ed. I haven't checked anything of his out in years. It's cool to hear him play some heavy stuff too!

*Victor Wooten interviewed him for Bass Player and gave him this nickname that stuck.
It is ALL about the groove Kev, and the SLAP and the Buddha just tears the GT7 apart.

This guy also is very humble as well and has an amazing outlook on life as well. In a time and day and age of flashy cocky arragant look at me type players scaling all over the place not holding down any kind of groove that is refreshing, Victor is another one who is head and shoulders above the rest.

I highly recomend both of these cats stuff for any bassist that wants to raise their game to that next level especially funk or slap wise.

Very enlightening stuff.

Oh Yeah! I've seen this guy tear it up on "The Day The Bass Players Took Over The World" video! He's an insane monster on this bass!!! You know a bass player is the shit, when Victor Wooten, of all people, calls him the "Buddha of Bass"*! Thanks for that link Ed. I haven't checked anything of his out in years. It's cool to hear him play some heavy stuff too!

*Victor Wooten interviewed him for Bass Player and gave him this nickname that stuck.