It has arrived!!

Neva Kee

Jun 28, 2004
Finally! After years and months of waiting, my (legally bought and shipped through normal channels!) copy of the Paradise Lost Special Edition has arrived a few minutes ago! It came as a total surprise, since I had only expected it at some point during the next week.
So now I can finally solve the mystery of what is on it and what is not.

Since it is not the 26th of June yet, I expect the rules about not reviewing the CD are still in place, so I will not do that until then, but I will talk shortly about the contents of the DVD and the digipack itself. I hope that is allowed.

It is the special edition from SPV and InsideOut (I don't know if there is any other special edition, but I thought I mentioned it for completeness) and it comes in the special digipack that could be seen in the promotional video already. The image inside the digipack that surrounds the CD and stretches its tentacles into all four directions of the expanded digipack is continued on the CD and the booklet (which is in a tray at the bottom of the opened package) and is just a cool view. I have to admit, though, that the image on the inside is not as cool as I'd hoped (it looks a bit too artificial and with a too well defined outline around it's parts - I had hoped for a more chaotic, natural approach, like on the back of the CD), but not to be mistaken, it is still a very cool image and a cool idea to have a digipack like that!

The booklet is: WOW! On the outside it is not looking like much, but on the inside there are more quality images like the cover image on almost every page!! Very good work!
One other thing that caught my eye was that the music for all but one song was solely written by Michael Romeo (the one exception being Paradise Lost, which is written by Romeo and Pinella). The lyrics for each song but one are written by Russel Allen and Michael Romeo (except The Sacrifice, where the lyrics were written by Russel alone).

Okay, so much to the booklet. Now on to the bonus DVD:

The DVD itself is included in a strange way into this otherwise very thought out digipack: It comes inside a cardboard slipcase that is just glued to the back of the digipack (the image from the back of the cover with the complete tracklist including the DVD tracklist is printed onto this slipcase, so the view is not in any way disturbed by it). It really looks like an afterthought, but it doesn't take away much of the impression of an otherwise well designed special edition package.

So, what is on that bonus DVD?
The tracklist says:

"1. King of Terrors (Paris)
2. Out of the Ashes (Paris)
3. Dressed to Kill (Tokyo)
4. In the Dragon's Den (Tokyo)
5. Inferno (Milan)
6. Evolution (Madrid)
7. The Odyssey - Part II (Hollywood)
8. The Odyssey - Part V & VI (Hollywood)
9. Smoke and Mirrors (Hollywood)
10. Of Sins and Shadows (Gigantour USA)
These video clips are 'home movies' from the bands archives. The quality of some is better than others. Enjoy!"

From what I saw by looking at the start of each music video very briefly, this sentence is to be taken quite seriously. The quality of the videos is sometimes more like a better youtube video with overdriven sound. Some of them are better than that, but as the cover mentiones: They are home videos from the band - so don't expect clear sound or good video quality (but at least it is steadycam most of the time)! Still it's very cool to have some complete live footage from them....increases the hunger for a real DVD-release (maybe with orchestra? ;) ).

There is no sign of any making of material or of a new acoustic song, though (which was rumored from other sources).

So, finally I am happy to have it in my own hands and I will now listen to it like it's the first time :) :rock:

Edit: Oh, and the DVD is region 0 - NTSC... tell me mine shipped today and will take 3-5 days to deliver which makes it just about right.

I guess the releases will be essentially the same as the Odyssey then? Standard, special and Japanese editions.
great dude! luckily you got it...

I was so excited today but all I found was nothing...just an e-mail of the nice amazon network...

"Wir bedauern sehr, dass wir trotz intensiver Bemuehungen eine Verzoegerung bei Ihrer ankuendigen muessen."

hope it will come tomorrow
I ordered mine through so I'm predicting it'll arrive within a month or so (not counting the weekends of course). Looking forward to what Pante-... err Symphony X will have on the DVD.
I picked mine up in my local HMV, with the digipack somehow being cheaper than the standard. I have to say its one of their best albums, reminiscent of the Damnation Game in bits, but much more aggressive and intense like the Odyssey.

The choruses and riffing reminds me of earlier Symphony X - and all these people who are saying it's such a departure from their style couldn't be more wrong if they tried. In fact alot of the criticism I've heard has been sorely misplaced. The criticism I've read from people who downloaded is just wrong. No catchy songs? Yeah right - "You and I the Lie of Lies", how could that not be catchy?! Not prog enough - did you listen to the middle of Domination or all of Revelation?? Solos are weak - no way, just perhaps not as neoclassical but there are still some jaw dropping moments. If anything this album is early Symphony X on steroids.

The production is out of this world, and the artwork and packaging is spectacular. Only big surprise for me is that all songs are written by Romeo except Paradise Lost which is Romeo/Pinella. There are some songs that are a new twist on the classic SX style, like Eve of Seduction but there are also songs that would sit on any album like Domination or Set the World on Fire.

Best album of the last 5 years by a long shot, and probably the best until the next Symphony X album..

The DVD was a great bonus - the sound quality isn't spectacular, but who cares, it's free! Although, watching those few minutes of the Odyssey really whets the appetite for a live DVD. (Which I think has been confirmed as a definite possibility by Russell?)

I hope I've not broken any reviewing rules but I actually bought the CD over the counter, Europe is always a day early.
Does anyone have the standard edition, or know if that comes in a jewel case?

The digipack is cool and all, but looks pretty frail and I'd not like to break or scuff it so if the standard edition comes in a jewel case I can lend it to friends.