It is official


Sep 7, 2005
New York
Hillary has made it official that she will be vying for the Democratic bid to run for President. I already know that I won't be voting for her. Can the Democrats on here tell me whether they will or won't be voting for her? I seriously would like to know the specific issues that would lead you to vote for her.
BTW- "I just won't vote republican" doesn't count.
I seriously would like to know the specific issues that would lead you to vote for her.
Seriously, I dont think this country would do very well with a woman president, Other parts of the world dont respect women ( we know who they are) and that would lead to even more brazen attacks on our interests abroad.

That and I think she just wants to show she has a bigger dick than her husband
Everyone is sick to death of Bush and Clintons.
I think it's going to be Guiliani and McCain for the party.
in other Hitlery news.
why is she bashing obama for not ever speaking about his muslim
up bringing???? talk about double standards....
Fuck Clinton....We need some fresh blood in the oval office.......what is this a democracy or a monarchy.....
Hillary has made it official that she will be vying for the Democratic bid to run for President. I already know that I won't be voting for her. Can the Democrats on here tell me whether they will or won't be voting for her? I seriously would like to know the specific issues that would lead you to vote for her.
BTW- "I just won't vote republican" doesn't count.

She will win the Democratic bid...lets see if she will make it into the White House, as our head of state. She will only mess this country up even more, she picked the wrong time to become makes you wonder what the hell she is thinking. But I knew this was going to happen years ago...I know how the post war Western goverments work. I can tell you that she is favored by Jewish groups.
She will win the Democratic bid...lets see if she will make it into the White House, as our head of state. She will only mess this country up even more, she picked the wrong time to become makes you wonder what the hell she is thinking. But I knew this was going to happen years ago...I know how the post war Western goverments work. I can tell you that she is favored by Jewish groups.

i have a hard time believing she's actually backed by any Jewish groups, considering how she sat behind Yassar Arafat's wife, smiling and nodding in agreement, while the woman railed on about the horrors of the Jews and advocated the destruction of Jews in Israel.
Everyone is sick to death of Bush and Clintons.
I think it's going to be Guiliani and McCain for the party.

Oh God Yes. No More Bush or Clintons. Fuck, we should just elect a King or Queen if only two families can be Pres.
Guliani is great and everything but, lets not forget how moderate of a conservative he really is. Guliani is pro-affirmative action, pro-choice and pro-gun control. This may make him hard to vote for by middle America. Just based on his gun views I would have to think long and hard on whether I would vote for him.
Guliani is great and everything but, lets not forget how moderate of a conservative he really is. Guliani is pro-affirmative action, pro-choice and pro-gun control. This may make him hard to vote for by middle America. Just based on his gun views I would have to think long and hard on whether I would vote for him.

Very true, but I doubt those are his real beliefs, I think he just doesn't want to go contrary to the establishment.
i have a hard time believing she's actually backed by any Jewish groups, considering how she sat behind Yassar Arafat's wife, smiling and nodding in agreement, while the woman railed on about the horrors of the Jews and advocated the destruction of Jews in Israel.

BEHOLD! The indisputable triumph of the prophet's ISLAM is nigh!!

In the next election, the future Emirate of Al-Ameriq shall have two candidates from which to choose:

HITLERY ROTTEN ibn al-Qlinton! Well-known as a fanatical moslem in hiding during 1992-2000, when:

1. she personally demanded support for the PLO and Yasser Arafat against Israel,

2. demanded a ceasing of all bombardment of Iraq during Ramadan in 1996,

3. forced America to support Islamic Bosnia in 1995,

4. forewarned her best friend Osama bin Laden to take flight before a media-show-bombing of empty campsites in Aghanistan in 1998, and

5. twisted America's arm into waging war against Christian Serbia for no reason except supporting islamic KLA terrorists in Kossovo and insisted on bombing Serbia on Easter in 1999.

She constantly sang the praises of Islamic nations fighting the infidel while condemning those who resisted the spread of the true faith by blood and sword. HITLERY ROTTEN shall make a wonderful warrior of the prophet's faith as she forcibly converts the heathen of America into the faithful of Al-Ameriq.

BARAQ al-HUSSEINI ibn al-OSAMA (OBAMA) Excellent warrior of the one true faith, unique in his ability to delude vast numbers of the heathen in America before unleashing his virtuous destruction of their culture in a bloodbath of the prophet's judgment.

Mit Romney Death to the mormon infidel.

BEHOLD! The indisputable triumph of the prophet's ISLAM is nigh!!

In the next election, the future Emirate of Al-Ameriq shall have two candidates from which to choose:

HITLERY ROTTEN ibn al-Qlinton! Well-known as a fanatical moslem in hiding during 1992-2000, when:

1. she personally demanded support for the PLO and Yasser Arafat against Israel,

2. demanded a ceasing of all bombardment of Iraq during Ramadan in 1996,

3. forced America to support Islamic Bosnia in 1995,

4. forewarned her best friend Osama bin Laden to take flight before a media-show-bombing of empty campsites in Aghanistan in 1998, and

5. twisted America's arm into waging war against Christian Serbia for no reason except supporting islamic KLA terrorists in Kossovo and insisted on bombing Serbia on Easter in 1999.

She constantly sang the praises of Islamic nations fighting the infidel while condemning those who resisted the spread of the true faith by blood and sword. HITLERY ROTTEN shall make a wonderful warrior of the prophet's faith as she forcibly converts the heathen of America into the faithful of Al-Ameriq.

BARAQ al-HUSSEINI ibn al-OSAMA (OBAMA) Excellent warrior of the one true faith, unique in his ability to delude vast numbers of the heathen in America before unleashing his virtuous destruction of their culture in a bloodbath of the prophet's judgment.

Mit Romney Death to the mormon infidel.


i love you.
and say what you will about Ann Coulter [i happen to love her], but she's got it right about Hillary:

January 24, 2007

It's nice to have a president who is not so sleazy that not a single Supreme Court justice shows up for his State of the Union address (Bill Clinton, January 1999, when eight justices stayed away to protest Clinton's disregard for the law and David Souter skipped the speech to watch "Sex and the City").

Speaking of which, the horny hick's wife finally ended the breathless anticipation by announcing that she is running for president. I studied tapes of Hillary feigning surprise at hearing about Monica to help me look surprised upon learning that she's running.

As long as we have revived the practice of celebrating multicultural milestones (briefly suspended when Condoleezza Rice became the first black female to be secretary of state), let us pause to note that Mrs. Clinton, if elected, would be the first woman to become president after her husband had sex with an intern in the Oval Office.

According to the famed "polls" — or, as I call them, "surveys of uninformed people who think it's possible to get the answer wrong" — Hillary is the current front-runner for the Democrats. Other than the massive case of narcolepsy her name inspires, this would cause me not the slightest distress — except for the fact that the Republicans' current front-runners are John McCain and Rudy Giuliani.

Fortunately, polls at this stage are nothing but name recognition contests, so please stop asking me to comment on them. "Arsenic" and "proctologist" have sky-high name recognition going for them, too.

In January, two years before the 2000 presidential election, the leading Republican candidate in New Hampshire was ... Liddy Dole (WMUR-TV/CNN poll, Jan. 12, 1999). In the end, Liddy Dole's most successful run turned out to be a mad dash from her husband Bob after he accidentally popped two Viagras.

At this stage before the 1992 presidential election, the three leading Democratic candidates were, in order: Mario Cuomo, Jesse Jackson and Lloyd Bentsen (Public Opinion Online, Feb. 21, 1991).

Only three months before the 1988 election, William Schneider cheerfully reported in The National Journal that Michael Dukakis beat George Herbert Walker Bush in 22 of 25 polls taken since April of that year. Bush did considerably better in the poll taken on Election Day.

The average poll respondent reads the above information and immediately responds that the administrations of presidents Cuomo, Dole and Dukakis were going in "the wrong direction."

Still and all, Mrs. Clinton is probably the real front-runner based on: (1) the multiple millions of dollars she has raised, and (2) the fact that her leading Democratic opponent is named "Barack Hussein Obama." Or, as he's known at CNN, "Osama." Or, as he's known on the Clinton campaign, "The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations."

Mrs. Clinton's acolytes are floating the idea of Hillary as another Margaret Thatcher to get past the question, "Can a woman be elected president?" This is based on the many, many things Hillary Clinton and Margaret Thatcher have in common, such as the lack of a Y chromosome and ... hmmm, you know, I think that's it.

Girl-power feminists who got where they are by marrying men with money or power — Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Arianna Huffington and John Kerry — love to complain about how hard it is for a woman to be taken seriously.

It has nothing to do with their being women. It has to do with their cheap paths to power. Kevin Federline isn't taken seriously either.

It is as easy to imagine Americans voting for someone like Margaret Thatcher or Condoleezza Rice for president as it is difficult to imagine them voting for someone like Hillary. (Or Kevin Federline.) Hillary isn't piggybacking on Thatcher because she's a woman, she's piggybacking on Thatcher because Thatcher made it on her own, which Hillary did not.

But the most urgent question surrounding Hillary's candidacy is: How will the Democrats out-macho us if Hillary is their presidential nominee? Unlike their last presidential nominee, she doesn't even have any fake Purple Hearts.

Sen. Jim Webb, who managed to give the rebuttal to President Bush's State of the Union address Tuesday night without challenging the president to a fistfight (well done, Jim!), won his election last November by portraying himself as one of the new gun-totin' Democrats.

He once opposed women in the military by calling the idea "a horny woman's dream." But — as some of us warned you — it appears that Webb has already been fitted for his tutu by Rahm Emanuel.

Webb began his rebuttal by complaining that we don't have national health care and aren't spending enough on "education" (teachers unions). In other words, he talked about national issues that only are national issues because of this country's rash experiment with women's suffrage. I guess we should all be relieved that at least Webb's response did not involve putting a young boy's penis into a man's mouth, as characters in his novels are wont to do.

He then palavered on about the vast military experience of his entire family in order to better denounce the war in Iraq. As long as Democrats keep insisting that only warriors can discuss war, how about telling the chick to butt out?

i have a hard time believing she's actually backed by any Jewish groups, considering how she sat behind Yassar Arafat's wife, smiling and nodding in agreement, while the woman railed on about the horrors of the Jews and advocated the destruction of Jews in Israel.

Democratic activists and operatives said Clinton will pull in large quantities of cash among Jewish donors not only because of what they described as her strong positions on Israel and domestic matters of interest to Jews, but also because of longtime ties with these activists dating back to her husband’s administration.

The haul is important: Strategists say that serious candidates will need to raise at least $50 million — and probably more like $100 million — by the end of the year. They say that money from Jewish donors constitutes about half the donations given to national Democratic candidates (an extremely large pot of gelt long coveted by the GOP).

You have a hard to believing that? Where else do you think she would get money from? Gays and Lesbians? She has a long history of contradicting herself, she will say whatever she has to in order to get into office...another political puppet in other words. She claims that she is pro Muslim of course in public, but her actions speak better then her words, she is a strong supporter of Israel, a recent example would be how she took Israel’s side when they destroyed Lebanon’s only international airport which trapped Americans in Lebanon while the Israeli military brutally destroyed homes, roads, bridges, and other civilian targets with no terrorist.
1. she personally demanded support for the PLO and Yasser Arafat against Israel,

Washington, DC - In the wake of the most recent bombings in Israel that killed an infant and two teenagers and injured over 30 citizens, and in light of yesterday's continued violence, US Senators Charles E. Schumer and Hillary Rodham Clinton today praised President Bush for taking a strong public stance against PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat and urged Bush to continue holding Arafat responsible for the violence against Israel.

What are you talking about? Leave a source for that, I would like to look into that and find another Hillary contradiction. But as this above points out, Hillary ‘praised George Bush’ for taking a strong public stance against Arafat.

What are you talking about? Leave a source for that, I would like to look into that and find another Hillary contradiction. But as this above points out, Hillary ‘praised George Bush’ for taking a strong public stance against Arafat.

you were right the first time.

she totally contradicts herself, time and time again.
she'll say anything she feels is 'popular' at the moment, just to get what she wants.

will the REAL Hillary Clinton PLEASE STAND UP?? :err:
Anyone remember Hillary throwing a party for Ex-Klansmen Robert Byrd at the Frederick Douglas House? She is a real treat.