It is official

I'm don't lean one way or the other; if it makes sense, I don't care whose mouth it came from.

This is what I want:

1. To be able to walk down the street without worrying about being shot or mugged

2. For children to be able to go to school without having to walk through metal detectors

3. Better education, better jobs, more cultural and social programs for American citizens

4. To return our military to protecting the US, not protecting the US's interests overseas.

5. For American people to be more aware of the world around them...they need their bubble popped.

If a president can do this...AND DOES IT...I don't give a shit if it's fucking Jerry Springer. Do it. I'm sick of excuses. Do what it takes to make our country safe and intelligent again, and to return it to being the best country in the world, unlike now. Need to ban handguns? Fucking do it...but only if it's going to work. We can't say it won't because we only have THEORIES about what will happen if handguns are banned. I'm all for the right to bear arms, but if it's gotten out of hand, something needs to be done. It's like a child: if they start abusing their privileges, take them away. How about a test phase? One year without the sale of handguns and let's see what happens. No change? At least we'll know that wasn't it. It's easy to flap our lips about what will or won't happen when we don't know exactly what will or won't happen.

Fucking fix this country.
I'm don't lean one way or the other; if it makes sense, I don't care whose mouth it came from.

This is what I want:

1. To be able to walk down the street without worrying about being shot or mugged

2. For children to be able to go to school without having to walk through metal detectors

3. Better education, better jobs, more cultural and social programs for American citizens

4. To return our military to protecting the US, not protecting the US's interests overseas.

5. For American people to be more aware of the world around them...they need their bubble popped.

Fucking fix this country.

Dag Hammerskjold said the same thing, so to speak.

One of you bastards wants violent revolution, another wants Hitlery-the-Devil-Empress-for-Life to rule us with an iron dildo... what the fuck's SO bad about this country?

I'll tell you what's wrong...

We're so fuckin fat and lazy and effeminate and fuckin stupid that we're basically falling in upon ourselves like some goddamned supernova.

Things are too good, life is too sweet. No starvation, no real war. Only neurotic, depressed anti-social selfish fat bastards.

As for me, everything's JUST fine. I'm working hard and trying to pay off the mortgage. I don't need some hippy fucks complaining how bad things are, when in reality, everything's sweeter than breast milk.

Shittttt.... here's a response to yer list:

1. To be able to walk down the street without worrying about being shot or mugged

Add to that, "being watched by government cameras"

2. For children to be able to go to school without having to walk through metal detectors

Easy enough. Just remove the metal detectors.

3. Better education, better jobs, more cultural and social programs for American citizens

what the fuck is that shit? The last thing these retards need are govt. programs. Let the fat bastards work on their life before they succumb to sitting on their asses, chomping on donuts, listening to a highly compensated govt. leech lecturing them.

4. To return our military to protecting the US, not protecting the US's interests overseas.

If we were real imperialists, our interests would be keeping the money coming home; but since we don't, I agree with you.

5. For American people to be more aware of the world around them...they need their bubble popped.

Still on that gay shit, huh? Look to the education department. Its sole purpose is to make fat, weak, stupid effeminate tax payers who are slavish followers of their government. Destroy them and their fuckin earth-day AIDS-awareness new-math curriculum, and we'll talk

i love you.

Sue, please. Let's stop playing these games. I can't take this torrid love triangle any more, and I... have a terrible confession to make.

I've been swept off my feet by the charming and sexy Adria Hinkle. And there's simply nothing I can do about it. I'm afraid you (and possibly my wife) will have to accept this difficult reality.

I will have to wait for Adria. Hopefully she will get out early on good behaviour.

I realise she'll probably be forced to go down on some 350 lb black lesbians, but I don't think that will affect her lovemaking ability after she gets out...

Sue, please. Let's stop playing these games. I can't take this torrid love triangle any more, and I... have a terrible confession to make.

I've been swept off my feet by the charming and sexy Adria Hinkle. And there's simply nothing I can do about it. I'm afraid you (and possibly my wife) will have to accept this difficult reality.

I will have to wait for Adria. Hopefully she will get out early on good behaviour.

I realise she'll probably be forced to go down on some 350 lb black lesbians, but I don't think that will affect her lovemaking ability after she gets out...


aaawwwww... the chicks with the glasses always get the good ones. :waah:
Aww, don't get all Fatal Attraction on me!

Well, you certainly terrified Big Gay Mike, the afternoon IT guy. He thought I'd unleashed a computer virus of some sort!


were you able to talk him down?