It makes me want to cry


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
“SHADOWS FALL are the leaders of the thrash metal renaissance.”

--CMJ New Music Monthly

“[SHADOWS FALL] … have crafted the perfect metal album.”


I didn't buy their album, but I didn't hear many good things about it. If it sounds like the Art of Balance, it must not be that good.

If they are the leaders of trash metal, then trash metal is dead for sure. It's also an insult to one of my favorite bands: Testament.
AsModEe said:
“SHADOWS FALL are the leaders of the thrash metal renaissance.”

--CMJ New Music Monthly

“[SHADOWS FALL] … have crafted the perfect metal album.”


I didn't buy their album, but I didn't hear many good things about it. If it sounds like the Art of Balance, it must not be that good.

If they are the leaders of trash metal, then trash metal is dead for sure. It's also an insult to one of my favorite bands: Testament.

I heard someone, somewhere, saying that Slipknot is the Led Zeppelin of today. I almost cried.

Oh, what else made me want to cry? A radio station where I live routinely says "Tool: the greatest band ever." I don't even LISTEN to the radio in my car or in my house and I've heard them use those terms it at least three times. That ought to give you a hint at how often its said.
Newer Testament isn't really all that Thrashy either. Yeah, Shadow's Fall suck, but at least they have one or two decent songs. The Haunted are the most absolutely, completely fucking useless in the "we get called Thrash but we're far from the fucking fact" movement. Every single thing The Haunted has ever done is complete shit, and I'm sure their new album is just as bad.

I remember when The Haunted were compared to Exodus in Metal Maniacs. I literally felt sick after reading that line.
Ah, Shadow's Fall...I heard their "Of One Blood" album a few years back and thought they had some promise, but I haven't liked anything they have put out since then. I think their singer has a good SINGING voice but sounds like shit when he yells. It seems like a waste of talent if you ask me. That band does have talent but they aren't using it properly. Too bad actually. That being said they most certianly are NOT the leaders of anything involving Thrash.
Pyrus said:
And that is why the metal press sucks balls.

Ignore them. Listen to Toxic Holocaust, Osmium and Dekapitator.
osmium... dekapitator... are you a bay area dude?!

osmium are fuckin killer, they put on an excellent show. ive seen them many many times.

ive only seen dekapitator once, but they fuckin killed. twas a great performance. anything matt harvey touches is gold
Yah, dude, born and raised in San Francisco, though I'm in SoCal right now for college. I haven't managed to see Dekapitator yet, since they've been focusing on Exhumed lately; I did catch Osmium opening for Heathen a month and a half ago, and they fucking KILLED. Closed with a cover of Sepultura's "Desperate Cry."

Matt Harvey said Dekap is working on a new album, with three or four songs done so far. Can't wait; We Will Destroy was such an awesome piece of retro headbanging thrash.
It's all about the promotion and "bling bling" <cringe>

The labels probably hand out kickbacks for mags to say dumb one-liners like above. Unless the reviewers are possibly THAT naive.:OMG:
Anyone who's listened to metal for more than 3 minutes knows that Shadows Fall aren't thrashy at all in the actual sense of the term.
I have never liked Shadows Fall before but actually went and bought this album after hearing so much good stuff about it. I am very into traditional metal -- power, thrash, black and death and don't really get into things relating to hardcore. Let me tell you this album blew me away. It is a definite turn towards traditional metal and you can hear influence in the music from older Metallica, some Children of Bodom, and Iron Maiden when really analizing it. The song "Ghosts Of Past Failures" even has a similair vibe to "Navigator" off the latest Edguy album Hellfire Club. I would not call this thrash metal but it is a sign of good things to come from this band if they continue in this direction.
Pyrus said:
Yah, dude, born and raised in San Francisco, though I'm in SoCal right now for college. I haven't managed to see Dekapitator yet, since they've been focusing on Exhumed lately; I did catch Osmium opening for Heathen a month and a half ago, and they fucking KILLED. Closed with a cover of Sepultura's "Desperate Cry."

Matt Harvey said Dekap is working on a new album, with three or four songs done so far. Can't wait; We Will Destroy was such an awesome piece of retro headbanging thrash.
cool, im from davis (bout 10 minutes west of sac). though i left there bout 6 months ago, and dont plan on returning!

its awesome to see someone pushin the bay area bands. i always try to push my favorites from the area like psypheria.

have you heard the new band saros yet? its got some sangre amado members in it. a cool BM band. check it out. its not traditional black metal, but its the best stuff ive heard come out of norcal since my first psypheria demo!
I like the Haunted ... the first 2 albums. Haven't heard revolver.

Shadows Fall on the other hand, suck the balls.

As far as genre classifications (especially by media) goes, who gives a fuck? They can compare whatever they want to whoever they want. It'd be a problem if I actually took advice from them and had a brain. But as it so happens, you'd have to lack a brain to take advice from any such magazine. Conclusion: idiots care.