Shadows Fall: Yay or Nay

I say nay. Don't care for them or their sound.

I only heard one track off of the newest album though, and they ripped off Deicide's Lunatic of God's Creation in the opening riff, and they didn't do it very well either. Glen Benton has a lovely urethra and all, but ripping off Deicide?
I like there sound, there lead guitar player is actually a good musician. There 1st album was good and then Art of Balance only had a few songs i liked. But there new ablum "The War Within" actually sounds like a good album to me *after listening to The Power of I and I. It is suppose to be a lot heavier then there last album. I am impressed with the guitar work. Other then that. they are a band i can only listen to one in a while.... how bout i give them a yanah....??? :yell:
Yay and nay. I liked Of One Blood, and The Art of Balance has some good songs(A Fire In Babylon). I like the new song, and I don't mind the hardcore elements. The clean vocals fucking suck, though.
Cryptkeeper said:
I think this band has been on the receving end of some unfair criticism. I really don't know if I am a fan or not. The first 2 albums were good, but The Art of Balance was a dissapointment. But, from what I've heard off the new album, it dosen't sound too bad. They always choose the shittest song on the album as the single. Another thing, I don't think their mallcore, like a lot of people have called them.

Shadows Fall: yay or nay?
They're ok. I've seen them live but I was there for Killswitch and God Forbid. I like a couple of songs of Art of Balance but the main reason I'm replying is what the feck is Mallcore?! Why do people have to make up stupid genres just cos they don't like particular bands?
Boomer said:
but the main reason I'm replying is what the feck is Mallcore?! Why do people have to make up stupid genres just cos they don't like particular bands?

Mallcore isn't a genre. It's a term for anything that's mainstream and sucks. It's used by metalheads (commonly synonomously called "elitists", by misinformed shallow people) to describe anything that's ALMOST metal, but falls flat on its face. Depending on who you ask, the term's definition will vary.

The first definition here is a pretty good one.