its 6:30am, its still dark out

my grandfather is a total pool shark at the senior center in great barrington MA !!! he also plays blues for all the ladies on sundays. hah.
seriously. old people just rule. they're worth the trouble.
my proof of this is that my grandmother came to thanksgiving AND christmas dinner totally wasted on valium wearing all black and sunglasses (she used to be a model! she's very jackie o.) and she also squeezed my friends head and said 'you look like brad pitt! thank god there's two of them'. and then fell asleep on the couch with a gin and tonic.
well, i guess she sort of has to be like this to make up for the years in my early childhood where she used to tell me stories about suicides and totally ruined my life, ya know? gotta have a balance.
I can't wait to be old. I have my daily workout regime all set -

8AM - 12 PM Sit on porch eating/sipping iced tea/shaking fist at young whippersnappers

12 PM - 3 PM Drive around town at 10 mph

3 PM - 5 PM Sit on porch eating/sipping iced tea/shaking fist at young whippersnappers

5 PM - ? Peyote
josh that made me laugh out loud in my empty office

my plans pretty much the same except for adding lots of booze to my diet and hosing kids off my lawn