Sometimes life is teh suck.......

Lina said:
I wish I couldn't get back to asleep. I'm one of those people that will sleep through alarms, even if I've been in bed for 12 hours. :erk:

yea. that's the problem here too. i mean it happens that i wake up after sleeping 14 hours and fall asleep again for another hour. i tried everything. the only thing that really helps is asking my father to wake me up. he knows no sympathy at all.
i have missed a lot of school by sleeping...
are, I meant that putting his alarm halfway across the room won't help in the long run, as his body will find new ways to make him late for class, the same way mine devils me with the mischief of the 3 alarms turning off! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Soon I'm going to need to hire a construction worker to powerdrill near my window for 10 minutes every morning just to make me open my eyes...
Ohhhh no! Poor D... :tears:

I woke up at 8 and went to help my co-workers move our damned office. So that is what I've been doing for the last 6 hours or so, and we GET TO DO MORE TOMORROW! :Smug: We have no internet, not phones, no copier yet, not fax, no nothing. My desk is still in pieces, and who knows where my shit is. Not only that, but I have to switch out all my fiels with Mary because she wants the four drawer file cabinets because the five drawers hurt her arm to get into. Fuck really short people. Wear platforms like me. THEN I will get to help her put her computer back together because she doesn't have a clue what she is doing. This is the same one who mysteriously infected the office with at least four viruses and one worm. I hate people.

Did I mention the construction guys aren't finished with the building yet? Ohh what fun we are having. I need to have a few drinks I think. Next week will suck biggerest time.

*hugs* to Deede ... but at least you had a nice warm body next to you. Sometimes that makes life much better. :)
Sorry you had such a bad day. Wish I would have known you were so busy, I could have helped you this morning. When you get things settled down maybe we can go have a drink one night next week.

For now it's off to the fair with KC.:loco:
One my friends wakes up only when you kill him. At one of my birthdays, we'd been up for three hours poking him, and he was still asleep. So we (me and another, yet fatter, much fatter and surely stupider friend) picked him up, and carried him out to the pool, and 'dunked' him in a few times, and let him lie on the pebblecrete spewing up water, that fokker.

I on the other hand CAN'T sleep, and when I do, I wake up when someone two streets away moves over in bed. Oddly enough, after two days of NO sleep (Thursday the dog was snoring ALL night and friday I didn't want to sleep at my friends house (LAN)) I fell asleep while reading about around about 12:00 yesterday. My dad had just woken up after his nightshift and apparantly I was talking to him, eyes 'open' and all, but still not conscious.
Yes Yes!!! We need drinks... It is now Tuesday, and it is still teh suck. I'm getting a headache from the pain fumes. Annoying clients make me angry. Been so busy I totally forgot to take lunch today. Worked Saturday and Sunday, and I'M STILL BEHIND!

I need big drinks yes...

Where, when? Need to have fun please...

BTW... whatcha doing this weekend? We have three whole days to do anything. You and Nabob wanna come hang out and we can make Chris cook bbq... or something else fun. :) And blend up some margaritas and have a blast...

*so terribly bored and tired*
Life specially sucks when you come back to a buch of dumbasses who cant spell '"the" and think its amusing and you feel like burning each and every one of them alive.

P.D. : Nice to see you all
P.D. 2 : Fuck you all

Misanthrope ( Random Violence is the cause and the solution of all social problems, well, MY problems but who the fuck cares )
Silver Sable said:
Yes Yes!!! We need drinks... It is now Tuesday, and it is still teh suck. I'm getting a headache from the pain fumes. Annoying clients make me angry. Been so busy I totally forgot to take lunch today. Worked Saturday and Sunday, and I'M STILL BEHIND!

I need big drinks yes...

Where, when? Need to have fun please...

BTW... whatcha doing this weekend? We have three whole days to do anything. You and Nabob wanna come hang out and we can make Chris cook bbq... or something else fun. :) And blend up some margaritas and have a blast...

*so terribly bored and tired*

:ill:Paint makes me soooo sick! Hope your head feels better soon.

My brother will be in town this weekend........maybe, he says he is going to make it this time. I'm sure he will probably leave Sunday morning so maybe we could do something Sunday night. :Spin:
Misanthrope said:
Post Data. Used in spanish to write information in a letter after the main points are made.

Misanthrope ( Spanish writing 101 )

Try "P.S." instead... you may find you get ALOT further with that one next time. :rolleyes:
doomedmistress said:
Saturday morning and I should have slept late. But no, the warm body next to me had to get up and go to work at 6:30am.:( Tried to go back to sleep and just couldn't.

Was expecting my brother in town for a visit today. I thought being up early wasn't so bad. Maybe I can get the house clean and orderly before his arrival.:) He called and said he can't make the trip today because he is sick.:Puke::Smug:.

A day off work and nothing good is happening. Life just sucks sometimes.

Thou complaineth to Me for nonsensical bullcrap. But after all that's the point of beingeth human, har har! Better luck next time, biotch!
Misanthrope said:
( Random Violence is the cause and the solution of all social problems, well, MY problems but who the fuck cares )

That waseth the original point, but my good pal the Holy Spirit thinks it is much funnier to let thee runeth in craving confusion. It certainly waseth a good idea to include a obesity gene in thy bodily composition. Makes things looketh from an amusing perspective, doesn't it?
doomedmistress said:
:ill:Paint makes me soooo sick! Hope your head feels better soon.

My brother will be in town this weekend........maybe, he says he is going to make it this time. I'm sure he will probably leave Sunday morning so maybe we could do something Sunday night. :Spin:

You have Monday off too right? A late night of drinking and being stupid would be most welcome here. Give it a thought. :) As long as we don't all end up doing anything TOO stupid things will be okay. ;)