It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Non-Threatening Comedy Relief Guy!


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Or, as he prefers to be known in his net addict/metal fan guise, your old mate Wrathy.

Never a good sign when you invite someone to the movies and she brings along two of her friends, is it? I felt like I was hosting a bloody talk show!

Dang... :rolleyes:

She could have invited her husband! I imagine that would have been worse.
Wow, I can remember the last time I went out with 3 women...... Oh wait, no I cant...... :)
I wouldn't say never a good sign, but considering that you're posting about it in a bad way and not bragging, then I'll agree that in this case it probably wasn't the best way to get started.
:lol: Good call Mark, except I'd already paid for her ticket and I wanted to see Queen of the Damned too!

On reflection, no idea why, but I at least I finally saw the trailer for Star Wars Ep II :D

Rest of the afternoon was wholly underwhelming though. "Hi, nice to meet you. Do you like Savage Garden?"

All downhill from there I'm afraid...

Originally posted by Wrathchild
"Hi, nice to meet you. Do you like Savage Garden?"

Wrathy replies: "They BROKE UP you stupid fool, now you 3 ought to do the same!" :D
Originally posted by Wrathchild
Rest of the afternoon was wholly underwhelming though. "Hi, nice to meet you. Do you like Savage Garden?"

You know in some countries, that's an open invitation to throw a burning tyre around someone and run over them several times in a tank? :lol:

"Savage Garden, eh?" :heh: Gets out tyre and petrol...


DISCLAIMER: Niether Lord Tim nor Ultimate Metal condones the use of burning tyres and tanks as punishment for bad musical taste. The above items were used for humourous purposes only and we shall not be held responsible for any deaths or injuries that may occur from the use of such items. Not matter how justified you may be. :D
Wrathy, you didn't seriously expect Charli to go anywhere without Kellie and Kathleen did you?