It's a National Holiday for me...

My mom loves Buffett. Funny how a youngster like Glenn loves the man too.
Harvester said:
As much dope as Jimmy has smoked, smuggled, and sold during his early days, a few pills only adds to the legacy.

What would it take to get JB to MC your festival? He could come out before each band strumming on his guitar, wearing his flower pattern shirt, half in the bag, and sing something like, "And now, straight from Margaritaville - EVERGREY!!!". ;) You need to figure out a way to incorporate him into the festival some year - maybe you could get one of the bands to do a JB cover where you and Jimmy get up on stage and belt it out (sorta like you did with Mercenary and Cowboys From Hell). Would have to be top secret though to be the ultimate suprise! PP is one big party, after all!!! :kickass:
Every time JB plays here in san diego you get traffic all the way to the freeway, the only time, you see everybody in their cars with Glenn shirts lol.
Harvester said:
That's right. JB's new album is out today! :kickass: :worship: :Smokin:

Just what would you do, if, after you announce the dates/bands for PP 8, Jimmy Buffett announces that he will be appearing live on tour in Atlanta the same Saturday night that PP8 is scheduled for? o_O
The Fiddler said:
Just what would you do, if, after you announce the dates/bands for PP 8, Jimmy Buffett announces that he will be appearing live on tour in Atlanta the same Saturday night that PP8 is scheduled for? o_O


Let us not consider that.