It's a National Holiday for me...

General Zod said:
Just out of curiosity:

1. Is his newer stuff on par with his classic stuff?
2. What percentage of time do you spend listening to Metal, Buffet and other?


How I breakdown the Buffett eras:

1. Down To Earth/High Cumberland Jubilee: Total honkey tonk. Decent.

2. A White Sports Coat & a Pink Crustacean through Riddles in the Sand: Essential Buffett.

3. Last Mango in Paris through Fruitcakes: Some awesome stuff mixed with some mediocre stuff.

4. Barometer Soup through Beach House on the Moon: The down years. There is just to much jazzy crooner shit on most of them. Still a few classic tunes in there though.

5. Far Side of the World of the World- Falls between 2 & 3. He heard us GOPs (Grumpy Old Parrotheads) bitching and went back to a cross between what made him famous: honkey tonk and the beach. I really love most of it.

As for how much I listen to metal, it's about a 60/40 split with classic 70's rock. Other than Buffett, I worship at the alter of the Eagles.
Harvester said:
2. A White Sports Coat & a Pink Crustacean through Riddles in the Sand: Essential Buffett.
When the wife and I were in Vegas, we stopped in Margaritaville for a few drinks. They played a couple songs we liked. I'll have to check these out.
Harvester said:
As for how much I listen to metal, it's about a 60/40 split with classic 70's rock. Other than Buffett, I worship at the alter of the Eagles.
The Eagles are one of those bands who I respect, but just don't care for. Kinda like Elton John. I respect the songwriting, I just don't feel the need to hear it.

General Zod said:
The Eagles are one of those bands who I respect, but just don't care for.

Agreed. I just simply never cared for this band.
This is the same way I feel about Zeppelin.
I certainly appreciate them, but they simply don't appeal to me for some reason.
MetalAges said:
Altar of the Eagles... sounds like a cool stereotypical Metal title.

It does actually.

This reminds me (sorry to get off topic)....

What the heck do they mean by that?
Are they referring to EAGLES the band, or just simply the animal?
(IE- Motorhead are the BEATLES of heavy metal...)
I give one of the guys hell every time the eagles comes on at work...A sign that your career is over...MUZAK!
I love the Eagles and saw one of their 10 freeking sold out shows here in L.A. a little while back......they can harmonize like no one's business......

that being said......Henley has the personality of a rock.
actordude said:
I love the Eagles and saw one of their 10 freeking sold out shows here in L.A. a little while back......they can harmonize like no one's business......

You know you are in it for the money when you charge more than KISS for a show.... :lol:
Most visits to my parent's house end with my Dad getting out his guitar and playing a bunch of other people's stuff and a little of his own. My mom hates the Eagles and Warren Zevon, so my Dad, my sister and myself always dig into at least 2-3 songs from each band :)

There is a span of about 8 albums in the Essential period. My suggestion is to grab the box set as its about the same cost as 3 discs, yet contains a hell of a lot more music and most of his best stuff as its all the way up until Fruitcakes.
Jimmy Buffett’s Stash Rivals Willie Nelson’s

We are moving to France after work today because in France the cops are cool. Page Six reports that Jimmy Buffett was on his way to St. Tropez on a private jet when customs officials discovered more than 100 tabs of Ecstasy in his luggage. Here in the States that many happy pills would score you major jail time and, say, $100,000 fine, but if you’re in the South of France (and are Jimmy Buffett) you pay $380 bucks and can be on the beach by dinnertime. ‘Course Buffett’s spokeswoman insists the medication seized was prescribed by a doctor, but couldn’t, apparently, name any health problems Buffett is enduring. We’re guessing he feels pretty damn good most of the time, much like Willie Nelson, who also seems to purchases his drugs at Costco.

There was a joke about this on last weeks SNL on the fake news. They said that along with the drugs they also found his lost shaker of salt. Or something like that.
Harvester said:
Other than Buffett, I worship at the altar of the Eagles.
I think that their version of Seven Bridges Road is one of the all-time crowning achievements in music.
The best Buffett song of ALL time is "Pre-You". My brother and a good friend are total Parrott Heads, i like the dudes music. It's easy to digest and goes great with waves/beers/ and babes.