It's a wonder that anyone on this board likes Anthrax

MC Large Drink

New Metal Member
Feb 5, 2003
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All I've heard for the past however many years is how much Metallica (and other bands) have sold out. But Anthrax (a band that has been around for 20 years) still take opening slots on tours with Motley Crue, Pantera, Judas Priest and Motorhead, as well as wanting to tour with AC/DC and being on Ozzfest. In other words, taking an opening slot with an established band and playing for 50 minutes, instead of playing clubs and promoting a new album. I'm guessing the opening slot with a name band pays more. Personally, I don't care what they do, and they have every right to make as much cash as possible, but as a fan, I'd rather see them play 20 songs in two hours than 9 songs in 50 minutes.

And some people are upset about a guy in Good Charlotte wearing an Anthrax shirt. I guess the thinking is that you can only wear shirts of bands that are in the same genre as your band. You must also think Scott Ian is a sellout and fake for wearing a Public Enemy shirt.

People are mad about Sum 41 touring with Iron Maiden. Why? Because Iron Maiden are "metal", and Sum 41 aren't? Anthrax have covered Radiohead, so that makes Anthrax sellouts.

Metal fans are always complainging about something.
I think the guys point is that ANTHRAX are lucky to still have so many diehards, because since 1998 we have only had 2 real cross country headlining tours. And those tours were both missing major chunks of the country, not to mention Canada. When is the last time Anthrax headlined a show in Florida? Toronto? Phoenix? That's his point, and it is a good one. While waiting for opening slots and record deals, Anthrax have sat idle, and they could have went out on the road a little more often. I don't wanna hear about how they can't afford to do that either, because there are hair bands that have no labels and play for tiny ass crowds, but they still tour.
I gotta admit, we got it good in Ohio. I can usually hit 2 or 3 shows without having to drive more than a couple hours. Can't wait til they start anouncing tour dates....
Originally posted by Bad Mr Frosty
Hehe, great signature... :D


He has to stop sucking soon

Until then we pace...and sometimes cry
Originally posted by TD
And those tours were both missing major chunks of the country, not to mention Canada. When is the last time Anthrax headlined a show in Florida? Toronto?
The last time they were in Toronto was when they headlined in '98 for the Volume 8 tour. They haven't been back since, even as an opener, as they got kicked off Minimum Rock before they reached here, and didn't cross the border when Priest came.

If they don't come to Toronto before July, I'll still miss them, because I'm moving to Edmonton, where Thrax hasn't played since they opened for Maiden in '91 (ie. they have never been there since John joined).

[dream] they play Toronto at the end of June, and Edmonton in August... [/dream]
I feel really bad for you who haven't seen them. I feel like I've been missing out for only seeing them once every 18 months. But damn, some of you have it bad. I wish I was in europe right now.
I would post a reply using the best of my sardonic wit, but this is the most refuckintarded thread of all time. Opening for bands to make more money? HUH???? I saw Anthrax's check for opening for Judas Priest, it's laughable how little opening bands get. Nothing against JP, that's just how it is.
Originally posted by Ragamuffin

He has to stop sucking soon

Until then we pace...and sometimes cry

I have been a red wing fan since 1978 when I saw my first home game. I lived in michigan most of my life. i remember going thru my jr. high and high school days in the 80's when the red wings sucked beyond one goalie not playing well during the regular season. I really don't even worry about the red wings regular seasons anymore as almost everyone makes the playoffs anyways. Then the real season begins!!:)
Maybe they wanna open to get their name out there again, because they haven't released an album in 5 years. Plus, considering how many times the American public changes their minds on shit, this is a REALLY GOOD idea. Then once they get more people and record sales, then start headlining again.
On the Max Rock tour Anthrax chose the off day after the West Palm gig to play a headline show in Orlando.......I was pumped!!! I could be assured that all of my money was going to Anthrax instead of splitting it with Motley Crap. Two hours of Anthrax instead of 45 minutes!!!!

Rather than take a pay cut they left the pitiful Max Rock disaster a couple of days before the West Palm show and therefore, no Orlando Headlining Show...........MOTHER FUCKIN FUCK FUCK!!!