It's a wonder that anyone on this board likes Anthrax

Brentney, jerkoff: I know you're the "mod" here, and it's such a stressful job and you'll probably ban me for calling you a name, but I didn't say they make more money as an opening act, I just assumed it. And I don't think it's a bad assumption to think that opening for AC/DC in front of 10,000 people would pay more than playing to 800 in a club. I could be wrong (and according to you, I am), but I wasn't professing to be an expert at the business side of anything either.

TD: Well, not really, but I agree with you. My point on them touring came out different than what I meant, my mistake.

Jono: That's EXACTLY my point, ^5. My original post really had little to do with Anthrax, I was just using them as an example.
MC BIG GULP OF JIZZ - Chill the fuck out. Fear my mod power. I don't care what you say or guess or what the fuck ever. I just wanted to state for everybody else that opening for a band in no way equates to selling out and your long winded guess was way off. As far as the tshirt wearing, I'm hoping Shakira wears Anthrax tshirts next, I've seen her wearing GN'R and Def Leppard so why not her perky little breasts popping out of a Notman?
If that shall ever come to be (Shakira wearing 'Trax tee) I'd love to be the Notman.... oh yes... oh yes!

And by the way, Anthrax can come and play in front of 100 people and it'll still be a best metal show there is.
Hey M.C. Remember, Brent is almost like a publicist for Anthrax, because what he puts on the site is the "official word" So sometimes his message has got to be viewed thru a P.R. Lens. The only time I thought he was really sucking up like a wanker was waaaay back in 2000 when he kept telling us how "legendary" Motley were! :) Well, he had to eat those words I guess. Fuck Motley. Didn't like 'em before that fiasco, was not going to like them during that fiasco, and now I have all the more reason to detest them!!

Anyway, I'll try and help out a little more w/ this touring biz. It is hard to decipher. ANTHRAX have said a time or two that when they headline a tour "they break even." I don't know what that means in dollars and cents. They have went on record saying they lost $$$$ on the Pantera tour, so apparently they don't pay much. Either that, or opening for a band like Pantera and making money is contingent on having an album out at the time, and a label to support you. Anthrax had neither at that time. However, that tour helped ressurrect them in metal circles. Motley was paying them $10,000 a night. So if they went thru the whole tour, that seems to have been profitable to me. Not very profitable, but profitable. When Motley tried to cut that in half, Anthrax said fuck off. So that tells me that Priest must have paid them more than $5000 a night, or why would they have done it??? Is that clear as mud or what. Those are the things I know. Ozzfest has turned into a sham, where bands have to pay (well, their labels do it) to play. Yes, if you want showcased on Ozzfest, Sharon doesn't pay you, you pay her. And KISS, they cover your costs, but you play for free. These are the things I know. I'll let someone else figure it out.
The Priest paychecks were small because they were playing the same clubs that anthrax would if they were headlining, my bet is thay would make more opening for AC/DC than they did for the priest shows. Your on the Anthrax website, we are the die hard fans we are not gonna bitch about them. I wish every person on TV would wear an anthrax shirt, they deserve the payday. Yeah I like going to Bogarts and the Newport and seeing them with 800 or so of my closest friends but if it makes 'em money and bumps them to the big time then I'm cool with arena shows.
Anthrax deserves the money!

It's the goddamned elitist MTV fuckfaces who are trying to dictate what we hear/buy!!

It's been like that for 15 or more years!!

What a shame, that a whole shitload of good bands go unnnoticed to appease the masses!

All I can say is "The masses are the asses!"
Originally posted by Cincy Vigilante
The Priest paychecks were small because they were playing the same clubs that anthrax would if they were headlining, my bet is thay would make more opening for AC/DC than they did for the priest shows. Your on the Anthrax website, we are the die hard fans we are not gonna bitch about them. I wish every person on TV would wear an anthrax shirt, they deserve the payday. Yeah I like going to Bogarts and the Newport and seeing them with 800 or so of my closest friends but if it makes 'em money and bumps them to the big time then I'm cool with arena shows.

Yes, they did play a number of the same venues as support for Priest that they would play as a headliner. One of the reasons I personally thought it was a dumb tour. However, you have to factor in that w/ Priest tickets were about double what an Anthrax headline show would be, and at the double cost, the attendance was significantly larger than what Anthrax pull in at those venues. So there was more $$$$$$ in the kitty.

P.S. Don't get your hopes up for AC/DC. Remember, in 1996, they tried to get that slot and couldn't. And they even had the same label and management. Plus, AC/DC aren't due for a new record until late 03 at the earliest. Same for Ozzfest. It ain't happenin.
I just wanted to state for everybody else that opening for a band in no way equates to selling out
No shit, that's my whole point. What made me start this thread in the first place was all the people complaining about how much Metallica suck for (among other things) who they tour with. And like I said, this has nothing to do with Anthrax, I could have used any band. And for the record, I have been into Anthrax since 1984, before they played CNE Coliseum in Toronto.

What a shame, that a whole shitload of good bands go unnnoticed to appease the masses!
And then you've got dickheads like this. He complains that his favourite bands go unnoticed, but if one of them ever starts getting big and selling lots of records, he'll call them sellouts.
you're a funny guy MC.
but on the subject of touring. The music business is probably almost as fucked up as the diamond business. I remember last year Dream Theater couldn't tour in the sout US beacause they would actually lose money. It's also sad when a great band can't even break even. sad sad....
Originally posted by Brentney Spears
MC BIG GULP OF JIZZ - Chill the fuck out. Fear my mod power. I don't care what you say or guess or what the fuck ever. I just wanted to state for everybody else that opening for a band in no way equates to selling out and your long winded guess was way off. As far as the tshirt wearing, I'm hoping Shakira wears Anthrax tshirts next, I've seen her wearing GN'R and Def Leppard so why not her perky little breasts popping out of a Notman?

mmmmmmmmmmm...........perky little breasts
The Priest tour may have been stupid but it wasn't as stupid that the thrax/misfits tour because those genres were too far apart. Maybe they did the motley tour only for the money, because crue and megadeth suck cock. I lost all respect for megadeth when they got rid of friedman and menza. never had respect for the crue even though they did actually write a couple of cool riffs. I'm sure vince had nothing to do with those, cuz he seems like a pussy hungry fat bastard to me.

Maybe the priest tour paid less because they played the venues, but at least priest are close to their genre AND they're keeping it real. Ripper Owens really puts his heart into his singing. I don't really even like priest but it was still entertaining(in a good way) to watch him sing cuz he really belted out some notes.
Originally posted by tattooedsean666
the misfits tour was awesome---cannibal corpse, Life of agony, ANTHRAX and the not ready for prime time version of the misfits.

Yeah I thought the bridging of two genres (metal and punk) was better than just having two metal bands thrown together. At least on the Misfits/Anthrax tour Anthrax could pick up some punk fans. What do you stand to gain by touring w/ an old outdated metal band?? Also, I liked the Misfits tour because you got LOA and CC as openers on most shows. And Napalm Death were on the bill in some cities. Good tour. Good summer. One of the best years of my life actually!
Originally posted by Brentney Spears
MC BIG GULP OF JIZZ - Chill the fuck out. Fear my mod power. I don't care what you say or guess or what the fuck ever. I just wanted to state for everybody else that opening for a band in no way equates to selling out and your long winded guess was way off. As far as the tshirt wearing, I'm hoping Shakira wears Anthrax tshirts next, I've seen her wearing GN'R and Def Leppard so why not her perky little breasts popping out of a Notman?

If AugDawg is ever on stage(which I have) I would show off a Anthrax T-shirt with honor! Especially that old school "Spreading the Disease" T-shirt like that one Bush always wears. Personally, I hope Shakira wears nothing at her next concert!

It's all in good fun folks, would you get mad at Marvin the martian if he was wearing a Anthrax shirt?

and by the way Brentney, I still fear your MOD power!


Originally posted by tattooedsean666
the misfits tour was awesome---cannibal corpse, Life of agony, ANTHRAX and the not ready for prime time version of the misfits.

I'm hip, one of the best pits I have ever been in at an Anthrax show....