It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

It took me a long time to even be brave enough to read this thread, your kitties are all so adorable.


last picture together. Priscilla and Buddy




Buddy sneaking a hug


my handsome boy


*grrrr* but really *yawn*


posing pretty


My beautiful best friend Cilla. Only 13. Died tragically and unexpectedly during an annual vet checkup.
Cilla 9/29/92 - 2/16/06


Buddy's 10th birthday. His first birthday celebration without her.


Cilla, my princess

please don't say anything mean, it took all I had just to post these. Thanks for letting me share. :cry: :cry:

thank you, Nightshade. my little family is down to two of us now. It's pretty lonely. I love your website. I have registered a name, but haven't had the (whatever it's called) to actually begin making the site in Cill's memory. It's hard enough to use the past tense and "memory" knowing there will be no more. Time has dragged me through the past three months, even when I didn't want to go. Who is the beautiful song on Vern's page by?

young, healthy cats should never die.

Ashes, the cat we had before Taupe (the gray kittie i posted), fell off the vet table during an examination and maybe a few weeks after that, i found him lying under my bed moaning. we took him to the vet and found out that he had a bladder infection or something and we had to put him down.

rest in peace, Cilla and Ashes, poor babies :cry: :cry:
ct_thrash said:
yay kitties!! and dogs! steve your dogs rock.

Thanks! They do indeed!

Now if only they wouldn't bark so damn much, sometimes I just want to chuck their little asses out the window :lol:
ginamarina said:
thank you, Nightshade. my little family is down to two of us now. It's pretty lonely. I love your website. I have registered a name, but haven't had the (whatever it's called) to actually begin making the site in Cill's memory. It's hard enough to use the past tense and "memory" knowing there will be no more. Time has dragged me through the past three months, even when I didn't want to go. Who is the beautiful song on Vern's page by?

I can understand why you can't sit down and face the memories, yet. It was so hard when Vern died, but to me the most horrible thought was that he would truly die, so I sat down and I wrote. Eventually, I organized and made the site, but to start, I just wrote. I've heard it suggested that you forget proper grammar, and just sit and write as though it were simply yesterday. Take something like 20 minutes a day with pen and paper (or, for me, the computer was easier) and do a "stream of consciousness" thing. Start with the words "I remember" and just let it out. There's a lot more I need to get down, and I'm surprised as I write at what I'd forgotten I knew already. But knowing that I did get what I've got now is helpful. Oh, and the song is "Angel" by Judas Priest off Angel of Retribution. ((((Gina)))) I'm so sorry you lost your baby -- it is so hard to loose them under any circumstances, but when they're young and seem healthy is the worst.
aww you all have lovely cats. I should post pics of my own cat but I have none on my computer.

Perniciosa and ninjakitten, hawt