It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

wroooommm ... wroooomm ... njeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa njeaaaaaaaaaaaa *squieeeeek* :D hahaha
i love my bebes dearly, but they're getting too big to be cute. they're just bitter and looking good.

yeah, but they're kinda getting into the Danny Glover "I'm too old for this shit" stage ... except for when Taupe (the gray one) will randomly get the idea to fucking ATTACK Lilly. their battles are epic.

Lilly in currently sleeping on my back. i wish someone else was here to take a picture because i can't move.
Gubrathcoille said:
I know there's a no dogs allowed bit in the kittie thread, and I am not insulting all you fine kitties in the photos, but since my Cairn doesn't look much like a dog, more of...a scruffy little thing, here he is, Riley,...UH OH DOGS ON THE CAT THREAD ALERT




He's so precious :cool:

dreaming neon darkspot said:
Lilly in currently sleeping on my back. i wish someone else was here to take a picture because i can't move.

Having a cat sleep on your back is just about the best thing ever. Yeah, I don't get out much.
MegadeV said:
Having a cat sleep on your back is just about the best thing ever. Yeah, I don't get out much.
gahh, i need to call my friend before it gets too late but my phone is definately not within my grasp and she's not going to get up any time soon.

she makes a point to sleep on whatever black clothing or my black bookbag whenever it's lying on the floor and whenever i wake up in the middle of the night and leave my room, she's sleeping right in the middle of my bed when i come back. she will sit on my notebooks or keyboard whenever i'm very obviously using them.

i'm such a slave to my girl.
A young Athena

A more mature Athena (she turned 4 last month)

Athena in the birdbath

Mobius (currently 7 years old) chillin' in the bowl on top of the scratching post

Clyde - She died last November at age 14, but she was the coolest cat EVER! When I still lived at home, Clyde ruled the neighborhood. When I let her outside, any cats nearby would literally take off running.

Mr Spot is the stray that adopted me a couple years ago. During the summer, my place is like an oven so I usually have the front door open. I was sitting at my computer and noticed him walking out of my bedroom and was like WTF? He's a very nervous kitty, but after a few weeks of him sneaking in for food, he finally allowed me to get close enough to pet him. He's usually pretty skittish so it's hard to get a good picture of him

This picture was taken about 12 hours after Clyde died. Mobius will usually hiss and growl if another cat gets within 5 feet of her, but I guess they knew I needed all the kitty love I could get. I almost started crying all over again because it was so sweet.
Gubrathcoille said:
I know there's a no dogs allowed bit in the kittie thread, and I am not insulting all you fine kitties in the photos, but since my Cairn doesn't look much like a dog, more of...a scruffy little thing, here he is, Riley,...UH OH DOGS ON THE CAT THREAD ALERT




He's so precious :cool:

/high five - goooo rebellion!

*flips isabel the bird*