It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

Since I only have one kitty and people here seem to have several pets I might as well go take pictures of some ants in the back yard and post them in this thread. And maybe some pics of brown hare that terrorize the lawn and the apple trees. Or maybe I just contain myself and won't post those pics.
AnvilSnake said:
TIGGER! *died late last summer*



So adorable. Tigger has a great face. I am sorry about losing them :(
Nightshade said:
I can understand why you can't sit down and face the memories, yet. It was so hard when Vern died, but to me the most horrible thought was that he would truly die, so I sat down and I wrote. Eventually, I organized and made the site, but to start, I just wrote. I've heard it suggested that you forget proper grammar, and just sit and write as though it were simply yesterday. Take something like 20 minutes a day with pen and paper (or, for me, the computer was easier) and do a "stream of consciousness" thing. Start with the words "I remember" and just let it out. There's a lot more I need to get down, and I'm surprised as I write at what I'd forgotten I knew already. But knowing that I did get what I've got now is helpful. Oh, and the song is "Angel" by Judas Priest off Angel of Retribution. ((((Gina)))) I'm so sorry you lost your baby -- it is so hard to loose them under any circumstances, but when they're young and seem healthy is the worst.

Gina I am sorry as well :(

It's so hard no matter what the circumstances. I don't own any kitties but I had three dogs, two adorable boys and a beautiful Beagle called Molly, and we had to put her down a few months ago because she was so sick (last stage kidney failure) it was too cruel to make her go through anymore.

Losing pets is so hard!
Distorted said:
Since I only have one kitty and people here seem to have several pets I might as well go take pictures of some ants in the back yard and post them in this thread. And maybe some pics of brown hare that terrorize the lawn and the apple trees. Or maybe I just contain myself and won't post those pics.

do it, do it. ;)
ginamarina said:

Cilla, my princess

I had a kitty that looked just like her! One side of her face was orange tabby and the other was jet black :) I hand raised her from a bottle *so cute*.

Its hard losing a pet..I still get sad when I think about my old Kiko cat... and she was put down about 11 years ago. I think we create a special bond with animals that we can't have with people. Theres more to it than that, but I don't think I should start ranting :dopey:
I'm sorry about your loss...I know how hard it is *hugsies!*
Thanks for all your kind words you guys. I miss my heavy metal torti kitty so much. I write a lot, I have a notebook that I just write in every night or two - usually "Dear Cilla..." but sometimes just random thoughts. Every memory I can pull out of my head, every detail I can remember of anything. But you can't really put the feel of a scratchy cat tongue on your cheek into words, you just have to have it. I am on a lot, they have helped me through some awfully hard times. It's an odd thing - Priscilla prevented me from suiciding twice ... in about 1996/7. I credit her with my life. Now this is the most awful time in my entire life, worse than those times... and I'm pushing through it. So either she instilled that strength in me, or she's giving it to me. Every time life got hard, she was always there to hold and to love, this time she isn't - and won't be. And it's so damn hard. Her pretty fur soaked up gallons of my tears. My best friend in the world. And to wrythe back to some form of topic, there are, I believe, 3 Nevermore songs on my playlist simply titled "sad"....

(and Buddy)
OMG. Haha. I'm on dial-up, so I was waiting a while for your picture to load, and I so was not expecting that level of cuteness. It almost gave me a heartattack.
Lord of Metal said:
OMG. Haha. I'm on dial-up, so I was waiting a while for your picture to load, and I so was not expecting that level of cuteness. It almost gave me a heartattack.

hahaha wait till the next one :D hahaha

cause my kitty is driving a ferrarri :D hahahahaha one moment have to load it onto photobucket :D haha