It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

Remember this?


When we thought it was a girl and called it Biscuit. We soon learned it was a boy and I have since called it Brisket :)

Brisket today! Complete with gray fuzz around his head, on his stomach, and down the backs of his legs.



He's a brat, too.
So, last week our (almost) 18 year old cat Jade finally died. She was one very tough little cat. Most of her life was lived outside. Before she came to us, her previous owner had tried dumping her in the woods miles from where they lived. Little Jade found her way back though, not a scratch on her. So, since that didn't work, their son (my brother's friend) brought her to us. That was in 1992...ANYWAY, to my point. When one dies, it is almost immediately replaced with another orphan.

"Peaches" was found this morning by my sister in law, IN the break room INSIDE the building where she works. She's still pretty tiny, that's a ferret bed she's laying in.


This is the one that wanted in my lap while I was pooping :p
I finally have pics of my Simone! Shes sooo sweet!

Sardbeast in training!




Happy Kitty!



I laid down to take a pic of her and she crawled on me and here is the result!

Face attack!
Aww what a fluff! You sure it's a girl? She looks kinda butch. But she also looks exactly like a female cat we had when I was a baby. Her name was Punkin, and she'd sympathize with me whenever I'd cry about something. Aww Punkin :)
Yeah Simone is female. Shes a tough girl though! She hangs out outside most of the time (unless we sneak her inside <_<>_>). Shes got tittays and no balls. Thats the first thing we checked when she came to us! Simone is a big ham and a super sweetie! She cuddled with me for a while the day after Trusty passed away.

Tyler has a Maine Coon kitty too! dawwwwwww