It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

Kittay tittays! She should be allowed in whenever she pleases, it's not like she's a wild tomcat and will spray on things. Unless she is weird, we had a female that sprayed lol. I love those big fuzzy feet!


Tigor had some blockage problems, that began 3 weeks ago.
After an x-ray that proved he had struvite debris and no bladder stones, a treatment to flush out his bladder, urinary catheters and 3 visits to the vet in 1,5 week, we decided that Tigor needed surgery if he wanted to be a happy cat again. His penis eventually got blocked with urinecrystals and the poor kitty couldn't piss. Luckily, we know Tigor well and i'm proud he did his best to warn us he was nót doing ok. Cats that cannot piss well and eventually get blocked, can die within 28 hours. We were on time, he has no kidney damage.
The vet did a perineal urethrostomy, which means that they amputated his penispoint and attached the rest of it, to his urether. :cry:
Poor kitty! Who was hospitalised for almost a week and is also temporally stuck with a Bald belly and half naked butt.
But, the good news is, is that he can piss again without any pain because his urether has become more broader than before the surgery.
He's on a strickt diet but if struvite returns, he'll be able to piss the crystals out. The surgery seems rigorous but it was inevitable if we wanted him to be happy and healthy again. Tomorrow morning Tigor's stitches shall be removed and he may do without his cone collar.
How he hates that thing! It makes him grumpy and very depressive.
But for now the most important things are that he eats good, drinks well and that Tina, ehm... Tigor can piss again!

Piss off with that camera!

Yes, I is Drama queen. Can i has affection now?

Woe is me!

I'm passing out on Metacam and Diazepam

I got a halo:
Tigor had some blockage problems, that began 3 weeks ago.
After an x-ray that proved he had struvite debris and no bladder stones, a treatment to flush out his bladder, urinary catheters and 3 visits to the vet in 1,5 week, we decided that Tigor needed surgery if he wanted to be a happy cat again. His penis eventually got blocked with urinecrystals and the poor kitty couldn't piss. Luckily, we know Tigor well and i'm proud he did his best to warn us he was nót doing ok. Cats that cannot piss well and eventually get blocked, can die within 28 hours. We were on time, he has no kidney damage.
The vet did a perineal urethrostomy, which means that they amputated his penispoint and attached the rest of it, to his urether. :cry:
Poor kitty! Who was hospitalised for almost a week and is also temporally stuck with a Bald belly and half naked butt.
But, the good news is, is that he can piss again without any pain because his urether has become more broader than before the surgery.
He's on a strickt diet but if struvite returns, he'll be able to piss the crystals out. The surgery seems rigorous but it was inevitable if we wanted him to be happy and healthy again. Tomorrow morning Tigor's stitches shall be removed and he may do without his cone collar.
How he hates that thing! It makes him grumpy and very depressive.
But for now the most important things are that he eats good, drinks well and that Tina, ehm... Tigor can piss again!

Piss off with that camera!

Yes, I is Drama queen. Can i has affection now?

Woe is me!

I'm passing out on Metacam and Diazepam

I got a halo:
Awww Tigor does not like the cone of shame. Pewr beast!
Yeah and still he's wearing the collar of shame. :cry: ( UP! ^^ )
The stitches are removed but the vet suggested, we let the collar on till friday. He is really depressed about it but it's for the best.
I hope we never have to deal with another surgery in this household, but i definately will try to get an alternative. Cone collars suck.