It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

Blackie sometimes sticks her tongue out for no apparent reason.

Oh... and we can't forget the NeverKitty

I don't think there is an alternative method. Unless they're wearing a collar, they'd attempt to lick or bite the wound / stitches

Yes, there are alternatives although, i do not know if they have been proven as effective as the cone collar.



I'd try all above, to avoid this situation ever again:

But, the good news is, that Tigor's collar shall be removed tonight :)
Aww :)

We just got back from Joann Fabrics to get Cotton Candy a spool of leather cord. He loves to play with strings and has been sitting by some leather mukluks in the basement, wanting to play with their leather cord laces. I already cut some off and he loves it!
This is little Katie, the newest addition at my house.



Here's how she ended up there:

My dad works for the post office, oversees the vehicle inventory in the area, does some maintenance calls, trains drivers, etc...well he got a call about a stalled vehicle on 6th Street (where we used to live!) so he went to check it out. The mail carrier said the truck had been making weird hissing noises.

When he opened the hood, there was Katie on the air filter! She had knocked a hose loose which was causing the noises. But that was QUITE a ride from the main post office to 6th Street! Next thing we know my dad comes home with her over his shoulder. She's very calm and mostly just likes to eat and sleep. She's so short and cute! I hope she hasn't grown any when we get back home :p