It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

:lol: This cat has the greatest ever!
That's three more things for him to have to think about every day. It may be a little bit over his head still. I think he should start small... with a chia pet.
Yeah, I would most certainly have a kitty if I were home more often. It'd be neglected kitty I had one :\
My complex has a cat someone abandoned when they moved out that several people feed and he'll go into any door left open and explore. I often forget he's there and I get startled when he reappears from somewhere upstairs after a few hours.
I don't have any cats (largely because I'm highly allergic to them), but here are some pics of my roommates' cat from when I lived in Arizona. His name was Lyon, but I renamed him Piggy.



I assure you he is alive in both pictures.