It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

Yang was absolutely FINE last night. Then this morning i noticed that when it stood up, it wobbled slightly. It jumped off the couch to the floor ( 16" maybe?) fell on it's back.

Just within that morning, it had no energy. Couldn't eat, just slept. Fast heart rate, very fast breathing. I was worried all morning.

Took a nap, woke up no improvement so i called the vet that very same morning. Appointment at 3:30PM.

3 hour wait.

1:30 hits.

The cat is limp. It's alive but damn near unresponsive. I can't keep it's head up, it's back legs twitch like a seizure. I don't know what could of happened in such A SHORT FUCKING TIME-SPAN.

I said fuck it, took my kitty in early. Told the lady at the front desk that my cat is now going limp and I need to see the doc right away.

The vet took it's temperature.

95 Degrees.

The vet told me that is one step away from being stone cold dead. He told me anything below 97 meant something was drastically wrong.

He said he will try to do what he can, put my kitty in a heat room to try to raise the temp. but other then that its an observation thing. He told me not to get my expectations up but he would do what he can for Yang.
That sounds like what happened to a cat that belonged to a friend of mine. He was fine one day, and totally listless the next. It turned out to be distemper and the little guy didn't make it. :cry: I hope your story has a happier ending.

5 months old
Oh no Steve :( Sometimes I think I have a softer spot in my heart for cats than I do for most humans, so I hope you are taking it okay...
the vet has no idea, it was near death when i rushed it in. there was nothing that could of been done. I believe it was born with a problem. Ever since i first got the kitty when it was just a little thing(still was) i always though something didn't seem right. I had it checked once idea.

Sad kitty longs for the life he had before with my brother, my sister-in-law, and my step nephew. Long story short, my sister-in-law turned out to be a compulsive, cheating piece of white trash. My brother's back home as of yesterday, and the kitty's with us too. Where the sister-in-law is living now, is no place for a cat, let alone her son. Nothing we can do for the boy though.
He's doing a lot better now. He gets along with most of the other cats now.

This has been his bed since he was a baby :)
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