It's F*cking dead in here!!

Heh. Yeah, I've noticed that I've been drinking more lately, since the girlfriend broke up w/me.

Nothing to do now but check out this board, go drink, play videogames (how's your GameCube?), or stroke it.
Getting dumped sucks. My alcohol intake has went WAY UP. My confidence is wavering though. Are you hanging in there thrax dude? I gotta tell ya, I went out last night with 2 chicks that have been friends of mine for years, and we had FUN FUN FUN, I think that helped. I think I'm just gonna go out with some of my other single loser guy friends tonite.
I'm doing good, thanks!
You win some, you lose some. It's all luck, dude, just luck.
Too bad I'm not an Ohioan. I'd join you at the bar!
Have a good time, Ty.
See ya!
Actually, having just looked up at the clock, I'm gonna wait a little bit to go out. In Ohio you can't drink liquor until midnight, so it is only beer til then, i guess i'll play gamecube...........luck.....well, my last few experiences w/ "relationships" have been shitty, so I'm long overdue! My next companion will have to be a keeper, if it's all about luck. Hell, every once in a while the LA Clippers beat the Lakers so it's all good, the odds will save me!!!:D
Originally posted by Thra:rofl:ude

Nothing to do now but check out this board, go drink, play videogames, or stroke it. [/B]

When in doubt.....whip it out!:lol:

Sundays are DEAD in here.
Gather round, all women are completly hatstand lobster crazy + they are made of the purest manipulative evil. You guys are free to do what you want. just think, no more going to the cinema to watch lame films. A mate phones up for you to go out, get drunk and expose your arse to a nun, you don't have to check if thats ok with your misses "oh it isn't, you want me to go to your grandmas, no thats great who needs drink". Spend your money on yourself not shite gifts of love. Flirt with as many girls as possible, one of them will sleep with you. Bask in the glory of getting your life back. Being dumped is life's way of saying you've been shackled too long go and have some fun, no go on, don't come back till you've had at least one venereal disease and drunk so much that alcohol is your blood. Relationships, bah, I bet even Gregthrax has to do the washing up and household chores.
The lovelouse has spoken
I am single myself, but this is out of really.......................I could get a girlfriend, easy.......................god i'm so bitch.......................he was in his seventys........... :cry: no:mad:
no:cry: no:mad:
After My last Girlfriend, I am so pleased to be single. I have been on my own for the last eleven months, and it has been great! I bought a house, got custody of my son, and can do whatever I want, whenever I (get a babysitter). But no do not worry sooner or later we will all find the "right" one. But till then, enjoy bieng single to the fullest!
I'm a single dad, too, so I don't date & I don't go out with my buddies much either. My daughter (who's nine) keeps me honest and keeps me grounded. My life is interesting enough as it is raising her, I don't need to complicate it by adding a girlfriend to the mix....


(are we bonding in here?)
AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! What in the hell is wrong with me then???? I'm young and single, but I've got this paranoia about being one of those old lonely dudes I see talking to the wall when I go out to the bar. My last few relationships have blown up in my face, so I guess that just perpetuates my paranoia. Oh well, I went out tonite with my partner in crime and slime thru high school and college (he just got dumped again too) and we had fun, so i guess I'll live........Where in the hell is brat at? She always offers a level headed perspective to these type of posts.
I leave you boys alone for a day and look what happens?? Y'all get drunk and bash women!! J/K It's cool. I understand, you guys just have some bad luck lately. I swear to you, we're not all insane!!!!!!!! Most, but not all. My husband will probably disagree with me though LOL.

Yes indeed Brat, the group of guys in here needs constant supervision!! I think I'm going to have dry out for a while. My Sunday night of slumming did nothing for me, but make me a) take monday off b) feel like shit and c) empty my wallet for overpriced booze. And in my town, the only bars open on Sunday are the real shitholes, so i got to hang out with some real "winners" last night.:)
I read 'Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus' and I really learned a lot from that book.
Everything began to make some help unfoil some of the mysteries of women for me.
Why bother trying to understand, something that is completely incomprehensible?

I read a deep & heavy book on Quantum Mechanics, didn't understand shit in there and YET I still understand more of that than I do women (especially my wife!)

Maybe that's why I'm going through a divorce?

So let us all listen to Anthrax, drink Blatz beer and ponder the other truly imponderables:

1.) Why is Limp Triscuit so popular?
2.) Why is feces brown?
3.) Why does MTV suck so bad.......right, Because they don't play any Anthrax or Iron Maiden!
4.) Why Me God?

So it goes..........

Looking forward to more Anthrax and Les Nessman!
That last post was beautiful!! It makes me want to pound some barenjager smoke a lucky strike and listen to British Steel right away. But alas, I must maintain sobriety thru the week. I have to go back and hang out with "my kids" tomorrow. I like the youth of America, they haven't had the chance to grow up and become assholes yet................

I appreciate your appreciation.

I too went slumming this weekend. And now I pay the price of an emptier wallet, an emptier skull and the ongoing emptiness of my life!

I love it.

The last bar I was in the other night was great!! People staggering around like fools, 2 cigarettes per mouth per person, an annoying jukebox, and the bartender who never let your drink run dry. To top it all off, I smoked a PACK of Swisher Sweets Menthol "Little Cigars". I felt a "little" like a "little cigar" the day after!

So bring on the White Noise, and Toast to The Extras, for tommorow WE DIE!

"If we moved in next door to you, your lawn would die!"
-Lemmy Kilmeister, Most Handsome Dude in Rock
On Sunday night, only the lost souls are out my brother!! This one bar I was at had a killer jukebox, if you're older than old school like me. I had the likes of Kansas, REO, Zeppelin, Boston, Molly Hatchet, Bad Company and all that shit cranked. Of course the next bar had nothing but Garth brooks. But at midnight, they are allowed to sell liqour again (remember this was sunday) so when the clock strikes midnight they unveil the liquor that they had been hiding behind a sheet. Oh what a sight. I was the first one served. The bar is such a shithole, they didn't offer Crown or Makers, so I just got myself a shot of the cheapest whiskey available. Lord Calvert Canadian: "triple shot please, and could I get a pickled egg and some beef jerkey." Yes indeed, I am an empty shell of a man. I had a few more triples, and somehow made it home (i didn't drive of course). I'm fixing for next weekend to be even wilder, I just got wind of Harley Davidson hog roast right down the street from me. With a tattoo contest, and a beer chugging contest! I'm stoked!!!!!!!!! If you're gonna be a loser, at least lose with a shit eating grin on your face!
i know!!! its so tired in here all the time, no one is on much, and if they are, they dont reply to anything!! WAKE UP PEOPLE! just post anything about anthrax, what you love, what you hate, anything you feel like typing, just say what you want, (as far as i know, this board doesnt post!)