It's F*cking dead in here!!

After my bender of the other night, I left my Anthrax discs at a friends house. Now, I gotta get off my LAZY ass & go get them.

Somedays I think I should just go buy three copies of each Anthrax disc (with John, that is) so no matter where I am there it'll be (home, vehicle and camp).

What's your take on that?? (Of course I would probably have to burn a copy of Vol. 8!)

Blatz rules!!!!
funny how you all drink more when you're single..... I drink more when I have a girl ! I've been seeing this little blonde chick for the past week and we've gotten shitfaced every single night. She's a couple of years younger than me, alot smaller and she keeps up like crazy. She's a keeper !!

by the way, has anyone seen that Absolut ad in the magazines that show a razor blade and says Absolut British Steel or something like that?? Reminded me of the Thrax/Priest show, which I must say was the best show I've been to in years. The Bush fight was the cherry on top.

np: some sick blues shit that just has no name !
I love my media player. Although it got retarded the other night and started fucking with my Armored Saint. Left the Anthrax alone, which is why I'm still here with a computer that works, but I have to go through and redo it all and I just don't feel like it. But yeah, that's why I'm always listening to Anthrax or AS while I'm here, cause it's the only shit I bothered copying on it.

to say it in Kurt Cobain's words:

i hate myself and i want to die!!!

'nuff said!

a piece of s**t or l***r (choose) called Martin (the sh**head)