It's halloween!

I'm doing nothing, sat on my arse wondering how to pass the time and waiting for my dinner -.- Hungry now! I don't care much for Halloween, might go out next year, dress up and shit, find somewhere to go and have a good time! Didn't suit today though.
I'm not posting anything of my fabulously witchy self tonight, but I have to show you the furry little friend who's just spent the night hanging off my handbag :D

I had a brilliant night! Went to see Mishkin and Forever Never support Skindred, brilliant night, bands were awesome, saw some friends i haven't seen in ages, saw my ex looking rather haggard with an ugly new bird (always fun) and then got to kiss a rather hot guy from New Zealand. followed by four guys sleeping in my living room, giggling like girls until 4:30am, my face hurt I was laughing that much! Perfect halloween... and i'm off out to Rock of ages tonight for another brilliant night. :D