Its never over...

Tetsuo unit

Mouthpeice of Perdition
Mar 14, 2004
Deleted scenes from the transition hospital...
...well its over, its done, finished, the second Axis of Perdition album is finished, after we have had more set backs than i like to think about and near misses with oblivion (failed computers ect) and Ive gone deaf in one ear but it got finished and now the master disks are slithering over the cold north sea and western europe towards the monolithic mass of Fortress code666...within the next week a new website will be online, maybe an mp3 sample as well, maybe this year the Axis of Perdition is going to force us to perform this filth onstage, all i know for certain is that im going to get the first good nights sleep without dreams of blood rust and endless filthy wards in a long time, its over for now.