It's Official: ROB HALFORD Rejoins JUDAS PRIEST!!...

Nightwing said:
Isn't it just a preference? I mean, if I was an employer, and out of two final candidates for a job, 1 straight and 1 gay guy, I chose the straight guy, does that necessarily make me a homophobe??

Only if you specifically employed him because he was straight and the other guy was better qualified.
Rainking said:
Therefore someone who dislikes someone's music simply because they are gay is a homophobe and I'm not being politically correct in making that assertion.

Hmmm. I feel you have made a blanket statement there, as the person never said he disliked his music, merely that he preferred Ripper Owens because he is not gay - is that not his right?
Alex999 said:
Nightwing said:
Isn't it just a preference? I mean, if I was an employer, and out of two final candidates for a job, 1 straight and 1 gay guy, I chose the straight guy, does that necessarily make me a homophobe??

Only if you specifically employed him because he was straight and the other guy was better qualified.

Absolutely - but who makes that determination - many would simply believe the gay person was not employed because of his sexual orientation, regardless of whether that is the case or not.......this is the impact of political correctness in our society.
Nightwing said:
Hmmm. I feel you have made a blanket statement there, as the person never said he disliked his music, merely that he preferred Ripper Owens because he is not gay - is that not his right?

It's his right, and it's my right to call him on being homophobic aswell.
Rainking said:
It's his right, and it's my right to call him on being homophobic aswell.
Right, and your intolerance makes you no better than the person you label as being "homophobic".

People are predjudiced against people who have predjudices that they don't agree with. It's pretty ironic, but it's everybody. It's like when one person uses a racial slur and another person retalliates by calling them "a racist inbred asshole". Both people have the same level of tolerance for that one thing that seems to tick them off about their fellow man. No one is better than the other.
possessed said:
No one is better than the other.

Yeah, but what if they left off the inbred-asshole bit? (I mean, thats the equivalent here) Or upping the ante, lets say some guy makes continual racial taunts against someone, beats the crap out of them and then burns a cross in their front lawn. Maybe then, someone calls that first person "a rascist". Is the level of intolerance really the same? Is the KKK member no better than the guy who sahys "hold on, this is wrong"?
Alex999 said:
Yeah, but what if they left off the inbred-asshole bit? (I mean, thats the equivalent here) Or upping the ante, lets say some guy makes continual racial taunts against someone, beats the crap out of them and then burns a cross in their front lawn. Maybe then, someone calls that first person "a rascist". Is the level of intolerance really the same? Is the KKK member no better than the guy who sahys "hold on, this is wrong"?
The people who I've seen called racists or "inbred redneck assholes" are seldom, if ever people who commit hate-crimes. Iv'e never met a true cross-burning, KKK guy who has ever commited any kind of act of violence against black folks. I'll wager there aren't too many, if any people on these boards who have met one either. I have no doubt they exist, but ninety-nine times out of one hundred those aren't the people that the terms "racist" or "inbred redneck asshole" are reserved for. It's not just skin color and sexual orientation that makes a person who they are. Ideas, opinions and the way a person presents each of them are some of the things that complete a man. I don't see how taking one of those things to offense is any better than the other. I'm not saying I've never done it, I just don't pretend that I don't. I've never claimed to be the king of tolerance, but I don't put myself on a social pedestal either.

I will never claim to "hate prejudiced people".:lol:

I don't even have an intolerance for them.:D
Alex999 said:
Yeah, but what if they left off the inbred-asshole bit? (I mean, thats the equivalent here) Or upping the ante, lets say some guy makes continual racial taunts against someone, beats the crap out of them and then burns a cross in their front lawn. Maybe then, someone calls that first person "a rascist". Is the level of intolerance really the same? Is the KKK member no better than the guy who sahys "hold on, this is wrong"?
I'll just add that previous to this post of yours I was referring to people who seemed to be on a similar level of tolerance. Obviosly, there is a difference in the tolerance level of people who hang black people off of trees in their front yard and the guy who reads about it in the paper the next morning and says, "hmmm, there is certainly something wrong with that".

I only find the whole thing funny because I've seen people who consider themselves "open-minded' and "compassionate" liberals who stereotype and unleash hate speech with piss and venom on someone who apparantly isn't as "open-minded' "tolerant" or "compassionate".;)
somethin that ticks me off is black people not wantin to be called black, cuz it isnt derogatory in any way, they're called black as a descriptive, cuz their skin is dark, doesnt make em any worse a person. Like being insulted by being white or having blonde hair, blue eyes etc.

Plus i dont really like peeps jumping the gun about discrimination. Like if a woman can't drive then its sexist to say she cant drive, but obviously if a guy cant drive then its fine, black peeps are allowed to say stuff about "whiteys" etc. Ah well i get over it.

Its hard being a straight white healthy able bodied male these days aint it? ;)
I don't care if halford is gay or not . Halford is the Metal god