it's on tonight...

yeah but then what about the grewvy reggae, mon?? oh and not to mention the wednesday and saturday metal shows with dave chaos and raven
uhh wahh?? hey now, ya'll just should have been checking out the website anyway, and then you would have read about them.:D
anywayyy:Smug:, yes, every wednesday night from 8-10 is twisted kicks, hosted by dave chaos(the guy doing the cd warehouse commercial), playing lots of good metal but some crappy nu-ish stuff as well as punk, boo, and every sat. night(sun. morning) from 12-4 a.m. is the dungeon, hosted by raven, specializing in very obscure death/black metal.:p
cool .. perhaps if I'm awake at that time on a sunday morning (which i usually am ) I'll listen in, and get a headache, from all that noisey death/black metal :p
booo, well i didn't even listen to the whole show...i got "sidetracked.":tickled:....hmmm i stopped listening when they were playing a cover of "hallowed be thy name," it wasn't iced earth...hmmmm
hahaaa, i can't stop thinking about how gay the nome king is!! it wasn't even that funny to me when i watched it by myself, hmmm....
its so obvious, draped in his robe, adoring his ruby slippers.. and I didn't notice too many female nomes in that kingdom (or none at all, actually) .. hmmmmm !!

were there even any munchkins in that movie ??

the inhabitants of the emerald city seemed of normal height .... did they explain where all the munchkins went and I missed it? or perhaps they were there and i just wasn't looking low enough on the screen ..
by the time the 80's rolled around, munchkins had formed unions, and their budget for that movie wasn't big enough to go through all that hassle and expense to get them all signed on.

they were there, just partying on the other side of the deadly desert.
...well they should have had at least one munchkin party scene..maybe just a split second, out of nowhere, having nothing to do with anything, just a quick shot of all the vulgarity going on at the munchkin party, hahahhaaaa
akin to the end of labyrinth..

dorothy looks in her mirror, and behind her is a whole village of drunken munchkins, all packed into her tiny room and partying.
and they have to send in the National Guard to eradicate the plague of munchkins that's been unleashed, but it won't do them much good! munchkins don't go down without a fight!