it's overrr...

will was looking on ebay (i think) for duck-stuff to buy me and he saw this collection of like 50 rubber duckies. police officer duck, firefighter duck, clown duck, devil duck, witch duck, etc, etc ... and BDS&M duck! it was just a rubber ducky with black leather painted onto it or something
we could give them a tour of a magical land where midgets and fat chicks live in harmony, where fat chicks carry midgets on their backs and help them get things off of shelves and ... midgets make fat chicks feel even more hideous and gargantuan than they already are because that's the way it should be.
we could give them a tour of a magical land where midgets and fat chicks live in harmony, where fat chicks carry midgets on their backs and help them get things off of shelves and ... midgets make fat chicks feel even more hideous and gargantuan than they already are because that's the way it should be.
We'd have to cancel LRD then. He isn't interested in small people if they're not showing their private parts.
Congrats Laura!
I am happy to inform you that being Will's gf, had a lot to do with getting you to this point!
Hooray!! Hooray!!

