If a copy of TGE has leaked and some of you have heard it could you comment on the rhythm guitar parts and solos on the new album. The guitar parts on EOR pushed the boundaries of metal in their progression and aggression. Do the new songs show this same level of proficiency, a more advanced level than of EOR or have they taken on a more simplistic approach such as on TPoE or DNB?
flu boy said:
If a copy of TGE has leaked and some of you have heard it could you comment on the rhythm guitar parts and solos on the new album. The guitar parts on EOR pushed the boundaries of metal in their progression and aggression. Do the new songs show this same level of proficiency, a more advanced level than of EOR or have they taken on a more simplistic approach such as on TPoE or DNB?

Just wait to hear it yourself oh wise knower of the boundaries of metal and the inner sanctum of guitar playing, for I cannot describe that shit to you.
it = amazing. I listened to the first 3 songs on the promo and was like, "okay i'm waiting for this. Its too good to spoil fully."
heaviness of Dead Heart
depressive gloominess of Dreaming
technical progginess of Politics

best Nevermore CD since 1999 :)
i refuse to listen to the whole album... till the album comes out officially.