It's pretty weird...

Dec 27, 2004
It's pretty weird to think that KoRn was actually doing somthing original when they came out.

Now, I don't like them, let's not get confused, but It is weird to think of a time when Nu-Metal wasn't saturated into the fibers of Pop-culture, and some dudes formed a band and did something very unique (for the most part, I know bands like Faith No More where a big influence). I can't even dissasociate then from the heaps of garbage they spawned, ie: I can't think of a time when 4 kids would have started a band and invented Nu-Metal, instead of just copying it off of all the other shit on TV/Radio.

Pretty weird and random thought yes.
i kinda know what you mean except the bands that started/inspired nu-metal (faith no more, sepultura, rage against the machine, helmet, etc) are way better and more original
It's werid to me because these days Nu-Metal is just like Boy Bands, to me at least. I couldn't imagine a bunch of dudes just getting together to play music and somehow ending up the Back Street boys, isntead of getting put together by a label, blahblahbalh.

And yea bands that inspired KoRn are obviously better, hah, KoRn blows, that aint the point though.
It's werid to me because these days Nu-Metal is just like Boy Bands, to me at least. I couldn't imagine a bunch of dudes just getting together to play music and somehow ending up the Back Street boys, isntead of getting put together by a label, blahblahbalh.

And yea bands that inspired KoRn are obviously better, hah, KoRn blows, that aint the point though.
hehe i know what you mean...and i had a point there somewhere that i pretty much failed to make (i know you've got more sense than to need me to point out how much better FNM are than korn)

that point being that they took good music, dumbed it down and added some angst and the mainstream gobbled it up, i don't give them a boatload of credit as making it as a pop artist requires more luck than talent
I loved Korn when they first appeared, it was some decent fresh shit. The genre spent itself out within a few years (or less) though, way oversaturated by bullshit acts and worse posturing than even the glam metal of the 80's. At least back then they knew they were fags.

That and the fact that the pioneer album itself, Korn's debut, isn't all that good. :dopey:
they thought they were original but they were really just ripping off sepultura chaos ad which is directly responsible for all trend shit in the world right now