let's talk about the new In Flames album

Originally posted by Misanthrope
Well then go make an interest enough topic to talk about here. Its easy to point problems, but i never see anyone offering solutions.

True, I would if I had time for it, but my time is limited these days.
@misanthrope: :lol:

well, i really don't understand why all the fuss about the new in flames. i've heard it, and i like some songs. i think it's nowhere near as good as anything dark tranquillity ever put out, but i also think it's nowhere near as good as anything pet shop boys put out, so i'm not exactly worried about selling out or going mainstream.
plus, i think it's rather nu metal in places, and they are the places i especially don't like on r2r. but i also think it's actually totally subjective whether one likes nu metal or doesn't, and there's nothing ethically disqualifying in liking it.
it's good to have heated debates about records, in my opinion, though. i just find a bit funny that ppl care so much about the number of copies an album sold.

The number of copies is only important when it is the reason ( or looks like the reason ) to create and change, and i think we can all agree to that. The debate is more about whenever or not inflames is changing to improve record sales or not, not the fact that they sell more records or not.
actually, i think they managed to obtain a decent result even if they changed only in order to sell more copies. and since i have no way of knowing their actual mind i just judge the result. however, i see how it might matter in terms of a band's consistency. perhaps i just don't find it that important myself.
btw, although clayman was maybe a more "sincere" record, in my view it's much worse than this one...
