in flames and RtR influence

90% of in flames board likes RtR!?

Or do you just count the stupid fans who will like the new in flames album if it featured no solos and only clean vocals.

the amount of crap that album contains, and the way the crap doesn't even work together, I just can't believe this is what it has come to.
ok, once again: you all seem like you have already listened to the new in flames album, even if it has not been released yet! as far as i know it will be released on september the 2nd in europe.
i am really interested in how it sounds like, even if you guys say it is shit! if it really is shit, i will say so too, but i can't say anything about it without having listened to it! so please give me a link where i can download it so that i'll be able to listen to it and tell you my opinion about it!

thx, chriss
@boshuda: don't get all started, now. what's the use of coming to this board exclusively and bashing another band's album? what the heck, i'm almost feeling sorry because you're not saying dt's new record is full of crap. ;)
accept there's perfectly cool ppl who likes music you find untolerable, and most of all accept this is not the in flames official forum. after a couple of threads dedicated to rtr we'll eventually run out steam and things to say about it.

@headcrusher: either you're not familiar with p2p software and/or finding stuff online or you're looking for someone to write down a link for you, copy-paste it to a message and maybe even download the whole thing on your behalf. in the former case, this is not a good place to widen your knowledge about file sharing: try with a board dedicated to that. in the latter case, you're just plain lazy: do a search on your favourite file sharing program and stop asking about it here every two hours. i seem to recall there was a thread on the opeth board mentioning a place where the new in flames could be found. you just go there and ask.

Alright people.Mind ending the bullshit?

Its simple.If you dont like Reroute then just dont listen to it and quit yer bitchin.If ya like it,great.I cant stand when people have to innsessantly whine about shit.Goes for the IF board too.

Before ya freakl on me know DT is one of my very favorite bands also.
Don`t put too much into the influences mentioned. Stanne is for example influenced by Berman & Piller, but I seriously doubt that we`ll see any Star Trek influences on their new material...

Originally posted by Ray
(...)but I seriously doubt that we`ll see any Star Trek influences on their new material...

Having spent a certain evening in a certain hotel-room in Uppsala, I'm more than afraid of hearing Trek influences on the next DT-album... :erk:

Originally posted by Villain

Having spent a certain evening in a certain hotel-room in Uppsala, I'm more than afraid of hearing Trek influences on the next DT-album... :erk:

What, the elevator had Star Trek music? :eek:

Siren (at least ormir should get this :p)