In Flames or Dark Tranquillity ?


Moonclad Reflection
Dec 19, 2001
Buffalo , NY
I have noticed on the In Flames board that most of them dont like DT i have a few friends that absoulty love In Flames but they hate DT? Are Dt and In Flames Rivals?:confused: Iam just wondering!?!

I Personally like DT A hell of alot better then Flames but i still like Flames!! LOL is that normal?? :lol:
Originally posted by poet
I have noticed on the In Flames board that most of them dont like DT i have a few friends that absoulty love In Flames but they hate DT? Are Dt and In Flames Rivals?:confused: Iam just wondering!?!

I Personally like DT A hell of alot better then Flames but i still like Flames!! LOL is that normal?? :lol:

Guess, why there are a lot of assholes among others in In Flames forum, and here really intelligent people seem to hang around?

In Flames is for masses, DT is for elite.

This is a simple yet true reason. Not everyone can get the splendour of DT music, don't expect much from normalites ( am I really arrogant?? ).

p.s. if one hateth DT, 'tmeaneth one sucketh big tyme.
don't ask me why....i'm sick of discussing about IFlames...
and grrrrr why do people call in flames Death Metal?????:mad:
It seems childish to "hate" a band. Maybe I read that word in the wrong context.

I don't think In Flames and Dark Tranquillity are rivals. I've read that the members are good friends of each other.

Anyways... In Flames and Dark Tranquillity are really great bands, and they've put out a lot of quality music.
But if I were to choose between both bands, Dark Tranquillity is it.
jesus fuck was this a smart question to ask on a dt forum.........

Im gonna break the cycle, I prefer In Flames, why? I dunno, i just like their style, i like their music. Who the fuck knows. Do I like DT? FUCK YEA!

No their not rivals......for some reason their just closely compared, who knows why, their styles are completely different. Their just both labeled as "Gothenburg bands"

and no, In Flames is not for anyone accept the fans, the people who like their music, their not for the masses, you may be my band mate skaldy boy, but i hate hearing people call in flames sellouts, now lets stop this conversation right here! Lol

DT is labeled melodic death and their not really death metal either, fuck labeling.



'nuff said :D
Well... I started listening to I.F, but then I listened to the Gallery, which I realised was the best CD I had ever heard... Nowadays I don´t relly like I.F tho... Clayman is NOT good in my ears...

@poet... Your friends must be morons...:) Nahhh... What I´m trying to say is that they did sound alike back in ´95.. so check out The Gallery... But they have followed different paths and don´t share much musically anymore, aside from distorted guitars and studio Fredman recording...:)
Personally, I think that In Flames are quite boring. When I listen to one of their albums, I often get tired of it after already 3/4 songs because the songs just start to sound alike so much. Never had that problem with Dark Tranquillity.

Dark Tranquillity, on the other hand are probably my favourite band at this moment... Their music has never bored me, and each of their albums seem to have something special which, in some way, sets it apart from the other Dark Tranquillity albums...

Dark Tranquillity's music is more complex, more daring, more varied and more artistic (all IMO of course) and In Flames are almost a pop band compared to them.
I got Skydancer & Of Chaos And Eternal Night, my first Dark Tranquillity album about 3-4 months ago and it slowly took it's place amongst the 3 most played albums.
When I bought it, I decided not to buy Gallery before I got bored to Skydancer, but I had to buy it 'cause Skydancer only gets better after each listen and I didn't want to wait ages to get some more albums to my cd-tower.

In Flames:
I have only listened Lunar Strain & Subterranean and few newer songs but In Flames haven't got me hooked like Dark Tranquillity.
Maybe it will after couple of more spins in my cd player but as for now this one is won by

Dark Tranquillity
i like some IF songs, but i am not a fan

Dark Tranquillity is one of my favorite bands, i love almost all by DT, i like their evolution

so, i vote

Dark Tranquillity
Oh hell yes DT in my oppion is the best band ever , i dont like I.F that much , iam not trying to start a flame thread just wanted to know why poeple consider them ''Rivals'' for the most part you have answerd my question. Thank you!

@Phyros : Yes they are morons in a musical element , have their heads stuck in the MTV bullshit etc etc , i have one really good friend that is into underground death metal. I dont know why iam so diverse from ''them'' i listen to DT all the time , opeth , childern of bodom , Opeth , once in awhile In Flames , Around the world melody's , sitars , violins , celtic , spanish guitars , etc etc. BUT no one likes Melodic Death metal , or Sweadish Metal , i think i might have to move hehe ops wrote a litlte too much :lol:
I think In Flames' new stuff (Whoracle and thereafter) are kinda boring but their older stuff is pretty good. Lunar Strain I can at least listen through.

With Dark Tranquillity some of the albums are poor while others are great so... I guess it's Dark Tranquillity for me.

And neither of the two bands are death metal :p
Originally posted by Final_Vision

and no, In Flames is not for anyone accept the fans, the people who like their music, their not for the masses, you may be my band mate skaldy boy, but i hate hearing people call in flames sellouts, now lets stop this conversation right here! Lol

:) no, the conversation will be a little longer

Have I ever called In Flames "sellouts"? I doubt...
And just wanted to say that In Flames's music was listened by a much WIDER audience than DT's. And it's so mainstream, so a lot of "metal fans" like it. That's why I said it was for masses. And also people do not like what they do not understand, that's why some kids shout they "hate" DT.
Also IF seem to get stuck on whoracle-like stuff, while DT are way more inventive, they never stop at one point.
I DIDN'T say IF were a bullshit band, they are great, but I like "The Jester Race" only from them.
And comparing to DT, heh.... no other choise...
i guess i took it the wrong way, but I just happen to like In Flames, all the way through. Dont find it boring, dont think songs sound the same, maybe its just cuz im a hardcore fan. I still think this was stupid thread, its just gonna spawn a bunch of hate posts about in flames, and the godliness of DT (which I dont deny, DT IS godly), and Ill agree DT is a lot more inventive, they never get old, i dunno i prefer the heavier element of in flames to the dark element of.......ahem......dark tranquillity hehe. I will admit, I love IF older stuff, TJR era, more than their new stuff.

Both bands fuckin rule IMO.

Im sorry skaldy, your still in the band ;)
well there's no doubt for me!!!!!
Dark Tranquillity for sure....
Hey I still love some stuff from In Flames, but in the last albums I've been getting some kind of IF sickness!
As Skald said, IF has been following a way to get more audience (wouldn't call that sellout though, nor do Skald!) and DT has been getting their personal direction. I think time has given reason to DT's way, or you just have to compare their latest albums!!!
Don't know why IF forum seems to be so boring and stupid, but well the fact is that the level of this forum is QUITE high for the forums standards!!!!
I wouldn't call ourselves elite though, at least not me, but I still love every second of DT's music (but for Archetype, you all knew that :) )
I just recently converted from In Flames to Dark Tranquillity, and perhaps my reasons for this can shed some light...

The song "World of Promises" sums it up for you. In Flames is aiming to be more and more mainstream with every album. WoP is a perfect example because it sounds like a rough country song. It sucks ass.

I personally think they were doing pretty good up until Clayman, though I think Whoracle was a bit dry at times. Colony is actually my favorite except for the Jester Race.

BTW, do you think that the 'rivalry' might stem from some of the millions of halfway metal fans of In Flames trying looking up the band of In Flames former vocalist? That's how I discovered Dark Tranquillity, actually.
Originally posted by OP666187

BTW, do you think that the 'rivalry' might stem from some of the millions of halfway metal fans of In Flames trying looking up the band of In Flames former vocalist? That's how I discovered Dark Tranquillity, actually.

exchange the words "In Flames" and "Dark Tranquillity" and you have how i discovered IF
Yes, World of Promises is a cover and was recorded shortly after TJR for a compilation during the Whoracle area, so sorry sir you cant use that against In Flames HAHAHAHA! :heh:

I feel the exact opposite phyre, look at it like this. In Flames has been a good band with near no critiscism until Clayman, but now the new album coming out, its gonna define them, will they continue down the path of simpler riffs and more catchy choruses? Or perhaps return to TJR style death growls and more virtuous guitar work? Who knows, but im sure as hell interested.

As for the 'half way metal head In Flames fans' , um no. Its prolly because they are 2 of the most popular 'gothenburg bands' although I hate to use that term. They both have similar discography styles (accept for In Flames having the live album), they shared vocalists, their good friends, its all just surface reasoning, theres no deep comparison. DT is more soulful and In Flames is more straightahead.

Final_Vision - Defending In Flames to the VERY END! :D