wheres th IN FLAMES board???

Originally posted by rahvin
it is true what my gf pointed out last night: not even famous rockstars ever alienate their fanbase this way.

no.. Megadeth did the same thing.. supposedly it was Dave himself who ordered the board be taken offline the week before the band broke up, since most of the mods there were just about as clueless as the rest of us..

@biatchguy: exactly, they did that and the band split. it seems reason enough for an official forum to disappear if a band call it quits, but otherwise it's commercial suicide at its best... :)
For all I know In Flames have at least one album left on their contract with Nuclear Blast so I don't think they are splitting up (I know that ppl know this but anyway) and they must have a good reason for doing this. Most of the fans on the board where really "true" fans and I know that they wouldn't want to lose them.

I'm totally clueless on this matter. I hope someone finds out soon
okokokokok fans are the ones who buy your stuff, your fans are the ones who support you, fans are....

....what if you don't like your fans??? what if you don't care about them because you just want to play your music???
well I suppose then you don't really care about things like forums in the first place...but well if I had a famous band, I really wouldn't care much about the off_music stuff, even though I suppose that's the way the business allow you to pay your cds...well what the...

fathervic (rambling....)
Originally posted by FatherVic
okokokokok fans are the ones who buy your stuff, your fans are the ones who support you, fans are....

....what if you don't like your fans??? what if you don't care about them because you just want to play your music???

there's always gardening. gardening is fun. :p

@hyena: i proceed to show you my leadership skills: since that message was intended to help ppl painting an adequately ludicrous and offensive portrait of my persona, your wish-wash tune-down of some of my defects is so exceptionally out of place you're kindly invited to be a slightly more attentive reader of this board, no matter how exotic your vacation is at the moment. :)

@all: no, rahvin's not gone nuts. his messages above this one were intended as replys to some posts of mine that, deeming unappropriate, i did delete.

I really fucking hope that the reason wasn't because of mattias impersonating bjorn.....because then this would all be my fault as I was the one who first joked/claimed about mattias really being bjorn in the first place


And I'd be laughing like hell because it was pretty much my first time posting on that board :lol: . If the bands don't want to come off like oppressive nazis towards their fans, then give them a voice regardless of what they have to say. I'm a "fan" of their previous work, but they definately lost me at clayman, and I simply stated that opinion in one short post, which Mattias and others began to throw flak at, so naturally I defended my position and I still do. I've got freedom of speech where I live, what about you folks?:flame:
Wow... this was a long thread to read... Read most of it yesterday or the day before... a few things...

@Rahvin... I certainly think that an "Official Site" needs to be moderated. Look at the Arch Enemy forum a few months back... It's an internet forum, an official site for a band, and you do NOT have the right to say whatever you want. It's not a democracy, you don't have free speach, and you should be on your better terms of politeness when you choose to post on a board. I don't see how anyone could see that differently.

However, I do agree that it was a horrible, childish thing to do. I think, more than anything, PERHAPS the moderators should have kept a little tighter leash on the posting public. Especially knowing the band is prone to having temper tantrums like that. No offense to whomever moderated that forum, it may have well been pulled by reasons OTHER than the obvious ones listed. It's hard to second guess a decision when you have no ideas on why the decision was made.

As I mentioned Arch Enemy Forum, it was pretty horrible with a dozen threads on how people would like to do Angela.

I'm glad the moderators decided to take a little control back and start deleting derogatory posts like that.

I actually haven't been in there for several weeks, but it was decent the last time I checked... not sure about now, but I'm sure it's much better than it was.
I say if it's their opinion, it's their opinion, and it should not be controlled. Granted band members wouldn't like seeing soem of that stuff, but most of us are there to bombard the dumbasses who post shit like that. The discussion board is exactly that.....discussion about a band, good or bad, and for debating....sure there is moderation in debating, but 99% of us can keep it under control.
Originally posted by xenophobe

@Rahvin... I certainly think that an "Official Site" needs to be moderated. Look at the Arch Enemy forum a few months back... It's an internet forum, an official site for a band, and you do NOT have the right to say whatever you want. It's not a democracy, you don't have free speach, and you should be on your better terms of politeness when you choose to post on a board. I don't see how anyone could see that differently.

as you suggested a few lines later, removing posts, threads and banning users are all mods' powers that are not as non-discriminate and unnecessarily vexing as removing the board.
there is still a difference between owning a place, paying for it, being entitled to set some rules, and arbitrarily acting according to whimsical will.

:lol: it's sometimes funny how non-native english speakers can have a wider knowldege of the language than natives
:err: i'd never assume to have a wider vocabulary than a native speaker... maybe i got the word wrong? whim --> whimsical = something you do or say based on the way that you feel in a given moment, without thinking about it too much. it's generally more negative than "spontaneous", except when you associate "combustion" to it. :p

Originally posted by rahvin
it's generally more negative than "spontaneous"

Spontane - who? :p

Rahvin I think its safe to say that your vocab is much deeper than the majority of native english speakers (unless you are cheating and using a dictionary? :err: )

Btw, I think that whimsical word describes me perfectly, I think I'll use it in a new title above my avi!