wheres th IN FLAMES board???

Originally posted by rahvin
actually, yes. or rather, they can ask for that. they can wish for that and they can work for that, but when things start turning for the worst it's way too easy to say "egh, sorry, we thought you could behave according to the rules of our definition of a balanced, mature individual. now we think you're just childish spoiled metalheads so we take our board out as if nothing happened".

Mmm. I think that maybe there is the neglect of a certain point, as I have just expressed in my reply to gums, any ill behaviour that may have occured recently would simply NOT the first time. I remember a couple of years ago when there was a lot of bad comments on there, and many of it for the band, it would not be the first time.

Sorry, I just don't agree with what you say on a broad level, it is up to people who use a service to act sensibly, If they fail to do so then they should not be allowed use of the service. Policing the service is fine, but with something like this where people can constantly come back under a diferent identity it's harder to do reliably.

This is undoubtedly a raw deal for the people who were using the service in a responsbile manner, and I've yet to see a stone clad reason for it being withdrawn.
Originally posted by Dmanx Pit
Iced Earth's official site had a messageboard up until 1999 I believe, when they took it down for a whole year.

Oh jeez, I was a big reason why that forum shut down as well, hyah hyah! I had linked my old Metallica site from there, and Jon went ape shit. Hehe, boards keep shutting down everywhere just to get rid of me.
Originally posted by Mattias of the Night
Oh jeez, I was a big reason why that forum shut down as well, hyah hyah! I had linked my old Metallica site from there, and Jon went ape shit. Hehe, boards keep shutting down everywhere just to get rid of me.

I'm sorry, but even in the light of this discussion, that pretty damn funny! :lol:
well actually I disagree with rahvin here (may be the first time in my whole life :p ) but I find it correct... It's not the first time a board/mailinglist/whatever is closed or suddenly become unnofficial because the band itself gets annoyed by the users...
I know it sounds lame, but if I put a place for fans to discuss, and what they mostly do is behave as this inflamer guy, I would close the board and burn the pc and bury the modem six feet under... ;)

during a period I would stand stupidness but after a period of time, including all the little worth the whole IF forum had, if I was a band member I would also cut one of my fingers to shut the place down....it must be embarrassing to have a forum like that, offence meant :rolleyes:

and for sure, if what Siren predicts and this becomes the shelter of the homeless IF posters, then I probably would also like this board to be closed (or strictly moderated)...but I guess sometimes I feel a bit too ehmmm whatever :p

fv (making new friends)
/me wants to be just a Siren, not a Cassandra, nor any other Theatre of Tragedy song :p
Originally posted by FatherVic

I know it sounds lame, but if I put a place for fans to discuss, and what they mostly do is behave as this inflamer guy, I would close the board and burn the pc and bury the modem six feet under... ;)

thanx...you're welcome
I'm to see In Flames (with Soilwork and Pain) on the 5th of November in Tampere and unless they publicly explain this thing here beforehand I'll try to ask them about it there. Not that it interests me so much, but I'm just a bit afraid that this kind of behaviour might be spreading...

Luckily we have a moderating dwarf, who can handle this place.

I'm like David Copperfield. I can make threads and entire message boards disappear, just like he can! I made my first post at the Swedish Metal forum, and POOF! Down goes that entire long thread. Funny, no?

It's been a boring Saturday night.
Just a wild guess... Could have Fredrik removed the board and the whole community section without IF having the slightest idea/giving consent about it? :confused:
i don't find it's so impossible to keep a board under (relative) control. saying it's becoming too stupid or childish or distorted to manage sounds like a bunch of excuses to me.

and, oh, mattias of the night is of course welcome to post herelike everybody else (as long as he plays by the rules written in big letters on the main page), and what i won't tolerate is discrimination, so bubu ya all. :p

@mattias of the night: just one more thing. you should avoid comments and links like the one you posted in the future.
for a start, we know nothing about the reasons the in flames board went down, so personal attacks on its moderator are arbitrary at the very least.
secondarily, what might be a funny joke to most could be an unpleasant threat to others. it's not very stylish, mature or respectful to take it out on ppl who are not here to reply.
i'd much rather like you remove that link, thank you.

Originally posted by On the Edge of Forever
Mmm. I think that maybe there is the neglect of a certain point, as I have just expressed in my reply to gums, any ill behaviour that may have occured recently would simply NOT the first time. I remember a couple of years ago when there was a lot of bad comments on there, and many of it for the band, it would not be the first time.

Sorry, I just don't agree with what you say on a broad level, it is up to people who use a service to act sensibly, If they fail to do so then they should not be allowed use of the service. Policing the service is fine, but with something like this where people can constantly come back under a diferent identity it's harder to do reliably.

This is undoubtedly a raw deal for the people who were using the service in a responsbile manner, and I've yet to see a stone clad reason for it being withdrawn.

Yes on the edge i understand your views. But i feel most people here thinks its way too innocent to expect people to behave the way you are suggesting, if it was that simple no rules or rules enforcement where necesary, the point is that it IS necessary we can argue for months about human behavior in the inflames fanbase and we would end up agreeing honestly, but thats going away from the main point: Inflames didnt offered constructive solutions ( better enforcement, stronger censorship, warnings, cool-off time, etc ) they just opted for the childish destructive solution and that makes them no more mature than the fans that were insulting them.