wheres th IN FLAMES board???

Oh, I get it... this is all a big practical joke by In Flames. In a few moments they'll pop up and say "SURPRISE!" They'll bring gifts for all and say how greatful they are for the years of support us, the fans, have given them!

It'll all be fine, just you watch....... yep... any minute now.....*sniff*....any...minute *sniff*.

*breaks down hysterically*
Do they realize what pain they're putting us through? This is absolute chaos. To my utter disbelief, the In Flames BOARD is gone. Not only was it a board, it was a community. We mustn't lose touch with all the members of the board. To keep in touch, someone post up a webpage, forum, or IRC channel in the name of the In Flames COMMUNITY!

If this is an act of rockstarness, I will just have to go in denile. Hmm.. may a nice long state of depression will do too. I just don't know what else to say other then we need something else. *not an official board*

ICQ: 32446761
Wow, you know what? I was so amazing pissed that I punched my computer desk when I read the UM announcement. I agree with everyone else in saying that this is a childish, innane action, if it is in fact because Mattias was pretending to be Bjorn. I am quite sure that Mattias himself is even a fan of In Flames...why else would he be there if he didn't like them 1%.
Yes, I am pissed. Very, very, very pissed. 90% of my time on message boards was on the In Flames board. I was used to talking to people there, and I knew a few members. Now, there is no more of that, although I will see the members around here on the DT forum, but still. This action, removing the boards...all of them, the guestbook, and even the unofficial forum completely disgusts me. Now, I feel that I can't listen to the music without getting remotely pissed off.

Reasons for shutting down the board:

1. Flaming the band, and completely tearing them apart. There has been NONE of this, in MONTHS. Of course, there was the occasional thread, once every two or three weeks. Whoever posted it, got completely shut down by us, the majority.

2. Mattias of the Night acting/posing as Bjorn. Is this a valid reason to shut down the board. H E L L N O. There were threads asking if Mattias was really Bjorn. A few people said yes, but it was a clear joke. I mean, come on...Mattias' english was MUCH too good! :p

3. The bashing of Anders' dreads, and the comment of Anders looking like and immitating Jonathan Davis on purpose. You know what. I think Anders has completely flipped out about this, which makes this the most valid arguement about why the board was shut down. Soon after reading the thread about this, Anders got extremely drunk, and shaved his head bald, in a poor attempt to not look like Jonathan Davis anymore...he didn't even want to look like Bjorn Strid...while he was drunken, he decided to start to immitate the "Ooooo wawawawa" of Disturbed's disturbed sucky singer. Well, when Anders woke up from hours of puking on the bathroom floor, and saw his head shaved bald in the mirror, this was his only thought, of the comment: "Doesn't Anders look like Jonathan Davies???" His first thought was to go on a rampage, but then he decided to shut the boards down. He hired a grade A german hacker, and closed everything on his own. :mad:

Well, enough with the humor. I will close with this statement:

I feel completely betrayed by In Flames, but I will continue to support them in any way possible. I hope that they get around to reading this, and feel extremely bad for their actions. Closing out on the worldwide fanbase is something you DON'T want to do. Shortly, I am going to be sending an email to Fredrik, or whoever, and ask for it to be forwarded to the band themselves. I will be expecting a reply as to why the board was shut down. I am also thinking of starting a petition to send, to try to get our beloved board back. I am probably either going to do one of the following: join ArchY's board, or create an EZboard of my own for the band, which might hopefully be able to attract people. Everyone that cares, flood Fredrik with emails to be forwarded. Although they may not be, maybe it will make Fredrik talk to the band about it. Probably not, but trying is better than doing nothing.
@ the guys with "RIP In Flames Forum" in their sigs..

Hey everyone, the guy over at hmas.org (another community similar to UM) created an un-official forum page for In Flames, the board style is similar to UM and works pretty much the same. Theres a link in my sig. I say we just move over there. Its KINDA like home :p
ehh.. maybe it's just because I've been through it before when the official Megadeth.com boards closed down, but the whole "OMG Forum RIP" thing just strikes me as -- how shall we put it -- dummmmmmm...

the community will survive.
Yep, as you obviously know, when you register to one board, you register to the entire community...so everyone's still here, just not intact in one pace...look up their user names or something if those individual people were that important. Otherwise you can no doubt talk with each other on one of these many boards.
I can't believe this has happened either. :( I've been going to the IF board on-and-off for over two years. Since the Braveboard when there was such a different "atmosphere".

It occasionally does happen though, as I believe about two years ago they shut down the eZboard (with or without warning, I'm not sure since I wasn't there at the moment), but later reopened it.

With the guestbook shut down along with the forum, there may be no chance of them ever reopening again. :( I'll miss the place and remember the times I had there... *sigh*

A bit odd they shut it down now since there was not a lot of aggression on it presently, just some weird, silly topics. :( Maybe they got tired of the random conversations (I hope my saying a few of the members were hot didn't contribute to it. never saw what became of that thread either...). :/ I'll miss Mattias' antics.

I still think In Flames are sweet guys. This is just a bit of an odd decision.