DT board members


Jun 2, 2002
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i've only posted a few times on this board but i must say that the DT forum members are nicer than any other UM board members and idk it gave me a good feeling to find some "nice" people in the same type of music as me. usually people arent. so thanx!:)
:D happy to know you're so happy here :D
Seriously, this place is like a second family...or if you're in the mafia (I'm not saying anything, your legitimate business is YOUR legitimate business), a third family...just less inclined to break your legs...bah, its late and I'm rambling again....la la la :D
Yes, this is definatly one of the most friendly communitys on UM. Then again, a few of our members are known to flame other forums, but we always respect other DT fans (not something that can be said for any other forum). In any case, new members are always good, so welcome, and hope you post more often.
The people here even respect others who are not fans. :)

I agree this is one of the friendliest boards on UM, possibly on the entire internet, as I've been to quite a few boards (and a lot of them have very stupid, annoying people--probably why I go to few boards now).

The people here are very cool. :)

Welcome to the board, Saw_You_Drown, and yes, as Ormir says, post here more often if you can. :)
Don't start promoting other bands or the D.T. board Nazi, Misanthrope, will get all over your case. :)
DT is better than- Opeth- but IF is better than DT ( the board )...................honetly............and ppl here think they r God or something.............and u can't express your honest opinion, too much bashing to the n00bz
Originally posted by Borknagar121
and ppl here think they r God or something

Trust me, I don't think any one thinks they are god on this board, well except that Samarkol one, but then he always seemed a bit slow on the intake.
I don't post here too much, but i'm aware of this board to agree you. Dt board is the most peaceful place on UM, and a good choice to escape from IF board when some idiots start to become ridicilous...
:oops: thank you, saw_you_drown, we are pleased to please. :)

i wouldn't say this is the quietest board on um - there are places inhabited only by 5-6 regulars and they obviously get along better, but they're boring - but so far it's the one with the highest spirit of team. ;)

i don't second borknagar121's opinion: a lot of people have been bashed here (not only newbies) and this is way better imo than ignoring people or letting matters drop in order to preserve a smiling façade. on the if board you maybe are not flamed as soon as you set your foot in, but threads have been deleted without much of a reason and mostly everybody is either unwilling, uncapable or not bothered to discuss a topic for more than a couple of messages.

as for believing we're god, i take full responsibility: i do believe i am the supreme authority not only on this board, but on all of ultimatemetal, all of the internet, all of the world and beyond. once there was even a thread to prove it. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by rahvin
i do believe i am the supreme authority not only on this board, but on all of ultimatemetal, all of the internet, all of the world and beyond. once there was even a thread to prove it. :rolleyes:


don't worry, rahve. you're still the host with the most. :D

the U.S. tour is over and things will return to normal around here. see? it wasn't so bad was it? =) same thing will happen at the In Flames board i would imagine.

i hope to read about all the upcoming European shows as they happen. i'm counting on all of you to keep us up to the minute on all the gorey details!
ya, i rmember when i first came here and i made a post just like this,saying how everyone was so nice,and then some fucking cunt told me im stupid for making stpid posts! FUCK YOU BASTARD!
hehe well...ihavent been on UM for a while but.....IM BACK!!!
Hehe...well I have to agree what Hearse said. I like to come here when I search for something "more intelligent" conversation, tho I don't post much but I like to read all the stuff :) And the people here are very nice.
Originally posted by Demonic_Science
ya, i rmember when i first came here and i made a post just like this,saying how everyone was so nice,and then some fucking cunt told me im stupid for making stpid posts! FUCK YOU BASTARD!

Well, man, if somebody tell you sth about your stupidity/lack of intellectual capabilities or something else... just try to convince them about the opposite showing your best. Quite logic, isn't it?

You can also insult everybody to show that you're actually a tr00 metalhead, it's a straight and stronger way to... to be fired from here. :p :D

Welcome back, Demonic, feel at home and behave consequently. :saint:

|ngenius (Pardiez!)