something about DT's fanbase, that comments well on the band


tired and rundown
Apr 3, 2002
Looking over a lot of the threads I notice there doesn't seem to be a really solid consensus as to which is the band's best album.. like, The Gallery gets a lot of hype as being the masterpiece, but an equal amount of people say the same for Projector.. and Skydancer has its fair share of cultists.. and the dark horse The Minds I.. and now the new one which a lot of people say is the best.

I've noticed this at every board I've been on with a lot of DT fans. It reflects well on the band I think.. because they've done so much different shit so well, that everyone has their own opinion of "the best" and people don't gravitate to one album more than the others (like Reign In Blood or Rust In Piece for Slayer and Megadeth respectively)

me? I can't decide, they're all good.

"and this is why DT is my favorite band in modern day metal" :grin:

that makes sense doesn't it?
Very ture - I agree on all your points (actually, I think I have mentioned them all here not too long ago...:u-huh: ).

And to add to it, every DT-album has at least one 10/10 song without which the world couldn't be perfect.

I think you are very right about this. We are all fans of the same band, but we can`t agree on which one is the best album/song. That, I think, really proves that they have developed a lot in their career, and that they`ve always made high quality albums which has had the special Dark Tranquillity-"feeling" to them, although very different.

I think it also depends when you started listening to the band.

Personally, I started around the Gallery time. But Mind`s I was my favourite until Haven was released (Haven, which I can see is not appreciated as much as the others). Although Projector is very good, I think it`s their weakest. (Would say 8 out of 10, with a couple of 9/10 songs).

But now that Damage Done has been out for a month (and never left my player), I can`t see why this should not be my all time favourite Dark Tranquillity-album.

Well, they are all masterpieces anyway!
I also agree, there is never any slander on the DT forum, as the In flames board. There is so much hatred on that board. And it always seems to be directed at the band. I can't see why they act the way they do just because a band is doing what they want.

It seems the people on this board are happy to be here and are greatfull toward DT for blessing us with such great music and passion.

Props to all!

I agree with you, same thing happens (to me) with the "favorite song of X album" I can't make my mind with any of them, for instance with Damage Done, the more I listen to it, the harder it is to pick a "favorite" song because all of them are too damn good.
What an excellent point BiatchGuy. I only began listening to DT w/ Haven & Projector (I can't remember which), so imagine my surprise when I finally got and absorbed The Gallery! I cannot possibly decide which is my favorite (I think it's still Gallery), but one thing's for sure, DT has put out something for nearly all my moods. And there's a lot of them. :)