Wondering....what is DT's stance on file sharing?

strong discussion. I think the problem is coming from somewhere else, maybe mp3s are just the top of the iceberg. I hate MP3s.

Honestly, answer this...do you prefer a CD in your hand, you touch it, see it or a virtual mp3 with a small photo on your ipod.

I think we are losing something because a few bands decided to promote themselves on the internet...and making fall the established basis. In the 80's tapes never made such a mess. That's my point.
people who listen to whatever is shoved down their throats by labels

I think you're speaking of major labels... 99% of the music I listen to is indie. Metal, goth, death, doom. Most of the labels I work with do have 1-2, maybe 3 signed bands. THAT is very personnal & pretty far from the major ones. you follow me?

Yeah, these bands sell mp3s and the money goes into their pockets. The problem is if the band never wanted to distribute their mp3s for free, those people playing in their back, I hate those people. That's all I have to say about this thread.
Honestly, answer this...do you prefer a CD in your hand, you touch it, see it or a virtual mp3 with a small photo on your ipod.

If you're familiar with Saul Williams (or Trent Reznor who produced his latest effort), you know that isn't necessarily the case. The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust (not a hip-hop fan, but this is a hip-hop record, its just that I like NIN a lot so I was aware) was released purely digitally. You could get it for free at 192 kbps mp3 or pay 5$ and get a 320 kbps or FLAC. Both came with a multipage PDF booklet. The only difference was a possible design on the physical CD. In this circumstance, there is practically no difference (no copy protection on the media). I think that's a potential model for the future - for major labels (iTunes and amazon have digital booklets for more and more albums nowadays anyway).

I do prefer owning CD, or vinyl records. I enjoy an aesthetic package, and I will probably always buy. But I don't believe a majority of the population feels the same way, if they even care. Times are a-changin'. Do you know how many funny looks I get because I carry around a leather booklet of over 200 CDs to work or where ever I want to listen to music because I don't own an Mp3 player?

80's tapes didn't make a mess because there was no way of tracking who copied what. Its not as if it wasn't done.

I understand and relate to your personal reasons for not liking this, especially because you're part of the aesthetic package. I think there will always be reverance and respect for that aspect of music. I just don't think its something for the majority - its going to become outdated eventually.
I think there might be a misunderstanding concerning owning and manipulating cd's over "invisible" digital music: I'm sure most people would spend money to buy things - related to a band they like - that cannot be transfered over the Internet. It's just that music can, and rather efficiently for that matter. It's fairly immaterial to discuss how wonderful a place the world would be if it couldn't, since the vast majority of things that are made possible by widespread technology tend to happen in one way or another.
Sorry, I didn't write that post. Mr. Irony was on my PC that day so he probably posted it. ;)
Sorry. What I meant was that the "Yes" was ironic since it was obvious that you didn't hurt anyone with your downloading.
Ironic ansver to a rhetorical question. Proceeding with a sarcastic explanation. How great.
(Hey, for all I know, there could be a user with the nick Mr. Irony that had access to your account as well
I wasn't.

edit: Not a single UM user has the word Irony in the username.
Because I can be high without any drugs at all.

"I get high every day...
... on melodic death metal!"

*Brought to you by Sony. Warning: keep out of direct sunlight. Do not pry from the cold hands of a dying baby. Only works if you believe in it. Offer void in Canada. Entertainment for the whole family. Gently scoop the brains out once applied. May cause feelings of vocabulary.
*Brought to you by Sony. Warning: keep out of direct sunlight. Do not pry from the cold hands of a dying baby. Only works if you believe in it. Offer void in Canada. Entertainment for the whole family. Gently scoop the brains out once applied. May cause feelings of vocabulary.

I'm gonna steal that. Thanks.