I found the new In Flames...It's HEAVY.

Larf03 said:
I wouldn't need to take deep breaths if you weren't pumping all the oxygen damn you...

(joke... I like you OffNice ...just tried to do a wise-ass reply like you do)

HA HA! I know you are. It's all good.

My big ego needs all the oxygen it can get.
markgugs said:
I would hope so. After all, in this context, I'm merely words on a screen. You should save your brain cells too; I don't think you have many to spare.

You're right I should save them.
You're living proof of what happens when the brain cells run out
and I should learn from your mistake.
pest666 said:
Karl says the Epidemic reunion prolly isn't going to happen, but he and one of the other guys might do something..... we'll see.

Is Carl still posting on the TFTP board? Why can't he get Epidemic going again?
Stun said:
Although you're destroying him with logic and insults as well, you shouldn't bother, mark... he is too stupid to be defeated. He will keep coming back, and keep insisting his point of view is more "right" than yours... :rolleyes:

Stun, give it a rest already. You're so lame. Go change your panties.
Stun said:
Although you're destroying him with logic and insults as well, you shouldn't bother, mark... he is too stupid to be defeated. He will keep coming back, and keep insisting his point of view is more "right" than yours... :rolleyes:
I have honestly no idea if Officer Niece is actually taking this seriously or not. Me, I'm just having fun and getting a good chuckle out of this.
markgugs said:
I have honestly no idea if Officer Niece is actually taking this seriously or not. Me, I'm just having fun and getting a good chuckle out of this.

Take you seriously???!?!?!? You get better crack than the ghetto crackheads
in the Big East Oakland.

Oh, if you're gonna call me Officer Neice MarkBabyNuts, you can also lick
my labia.
markgugs said:
It's Niece, not Neice, Mr. Uneducated.

As for you having a labia, tell me something I don't know.
You can lick my i-before-e-except-after-c and my logarithmic differentiation.

If I want shit out of you I'll squeeze your head Mark_baby_nuts.


Your kings in the corner.
"mark_baby_nuts"... haha, what a ridiculous way to insult someone.

fucking ingenious! how old are you, 10?

Officer Nice, you give new meaning to the term "pompous internet nerd". Sure, Edguy may not be your cup of tea, but if you must be an asshole simply because I like power metal, then the only logical conslusion I can draw is that you have no purpose in life.
RebirthInRapture said:
"mark_baby_nuts"... haha, what a ridiculous way to insult someone.

fucking ingenious! how old are you, 10?

Officer Nice, you give new meaning to the term "pompous internet nerd". Sure, Edguy may not be your cup of tea, but if you must be an asshole simply because I like power metal, then the only logical conslusion I can draw is that you have no purpose in life.
Hey Junior.....

Larf03 said:


Thanks OffNice.... That was great!

...*wipes tear*
I'm glad that made you laugh. I have a whole bunch of those
that I'm just waiting to use. n00bs of course are the best
avenue for those. Easy bait.
MrMajs said:
Whats wrong with power metal?
Power Metal in general? nothing. If it's POWER and METAL.
But some Power Metal is way cheesy like
Hammerfall and Edguy and Rhapsody and Luka Turilli and they are really GAY.
Helloween released some Great Classics earlier but their recent albums were pretty weak in my opinion. I can take them in small doses but after a while, I've got to put on some Immolation or something. I will admit that they're good at what they do though...atleast nothing like those cliché candy dripping girlie metal that goes under that banner today.

Anyway talking about cheesy power metal bands, what do you guys think of Running Wild?
Heathen said:
Helloween released some Great Classics earlier but their recent albums were pretty weak in my opinion. I can take them in small doses but after a while, I've got to put on some Immolation or something. I will admit that they're good at what they do though...atleast nothing like those cliché candy dripping girlie metal that goes under that banner today.

Anyway talking about cheesy power metal bands, what do you guys think of Running Wild?
Helloween's recent albums....are.....weak?.....guh? Uh,....NNNNOOO!
Dark Side and Rabbit Don't Come Easy are great Helloween records. Jeez.
If you're gonna cheese on Helloween at least pick their shitty records like
Chameleon and Pink Bubbles go ape.

Blind Guardian had some great material with their earlier albums but
NIME (except Into The Storm) and NATO are really poor.
IFTOS was their best. I won't trash Gamma Ray too much cause Kai owns
and some of their stuff is really cool. His stuff with Iron Savior was cool too.
The Gamma Ray album covers really suck ass though...cheap computer

Running Wild has done some really great metal but some of their stuff
gets really silly and RockNRolf doesn't have the fire he used to.
I loved Helloween's album with Kai Hensen. Walls of Jericho is nothing short of a true masterpiece of metal, from beginning to end. Although it probably was a good move back in those days to hand over the mic to Kiske (considering they became a whole lot bigger after that) it was also the beginning of the end in hindsight, making two good albums with Kiske on vocals (Keeper of the Seven keys part 1 and 2) and then fallling quick into mediocrity. These albums represented something completely different than the washed out crap that is labeled with the powermetal epithet today. After these albums I think they went downhill really fast but shaped up musicwise when Kiske left, but it's just not the same band anymore. I can't pick out what is wrong with Dark Side and Rabbit Don't come easy, but I just couldn't get into them.