"In Flames" opinions...

Originally posted by Steiner
What's your favorite In Flames album? Which album did you hear first?

My list reads like this...

Clayman 10
Colony 9
Jester Race/Black Ash Inheritance 9
Whoracle 8
Lunar Strain/Subterranean 7
Reroute To Remain 6

...first In Flames album I heard was "Colony"

My list would be like:
Jester Race/Black Ash Inheritance 10
Lunar Strain/Subterranean 10
Whoracle 9
Colony 7
Clayman 6
Reroute To Remain 5
Originally posted by NecromancerAlpha
so were all supposed to ignore how horrible the album reroute to remain is?


Yes You Are cause In Flames Kicks butt.
Check it out again. It's a little different but it's a
cool disc.

-OfficerNice....the next member of Voivod
With all this talk about In-Flames, I decided that I really needed to check them out. A friend of mine happened to have Whoracle, and I really enjoyed it. I'm going out to buy this cd tonight. I noticed that alot of people here said that it was good. I just thought I would start off there! Problem is what's NEXT?

Thanks for the good argument. I learned from it!
Originally posted by Valofvalhalla
With all this talk about In-Flames, I decided that I really needed to check them out. A friend of mine happened to have Whoracle, and I really enjoyed it. I'm going out to buy this cd tonight. I noticed that alot of people here said that it was good. I just thought I would start off there! Problem is what's NEXT?

Thanks for the good argument. I learned from it!

I'd say you should get Colony and Clayman.
You can't go wrong there.

-OfficerNice....the next member of Voivod
Originally posted by Deadly Embrace
But anyone is great............................

Well, alas, I went to WOW this past Saturday and couldn't wait to reach the I section. The only two cd's at my disposal were Clayman and Reroute To Remain. Remembering Clayman was easy. I grabbed it up $19.fkg.99, and carefully listened. Bulletride was a nice opener. Only For The Weak kicks ass. Great melodies and agressive riffs.

I have read on various boards people comparing them to the "old metallica". What a bunch of crap that is. Glad I bought the cd. Thanks for your input.:spin:
Granted that this is the Testament board, but why does it have to be relegated to just topics on Testament?? That's ultra stupid....

Why can't it be that fans of metal or even music in general can't discuss any topic they feel like without being ostracized for it? That is enough to make some feel that this board is boring or lame.

I love Testament, that's the reason I started posting here....but if I'm left with just that one topic, it doesn't lead to very much to talk about. How many times can you do polls on which songs or albums are better? Or what the news is when it's not posted on a daily basis?

That's pretty sad...

I dig In Flames a lot myself....and have loved everything they've done thus far. It's all about personal tastes...

DaNk :Smokedev:
Clayman Good, but it's not as aggressive as Colony, the album before it, thats what got me hooked on them, even though I do like all their material. Now you mention the comparison to early Metallica, & the album that best reminds of that, is The Jester Race, it's definately got that Metallica progression influence. Those are my 2 favorites, but if you dig Clayman, than everything they put out is highly recommended........................PS if you like more thrash than melody, then try Dimension Zero- Silent Night Fever, I'm hooked on that right now. It's the guitarist from IN FLAMES, side Project, & it blows doors...................great Riffs & it moves, the title track, has a hint of LEGACY in it, & that comes from Zetro, who I played it for, just for that reason, so he can hear other younger bands that were influenced by him & other Bay Area Bands.......And I agree with Zetro
Hey DE, check out sins of omission (another swedish band of course). You'll really dig those guys if you are hooked on the dimension zero album. Both their albums are good, but the new one is slightly better. they also do a solid cover of Angel of Death :rock:
R2R is absoulity pure shit! IMO! ClayMan is Pure Shit! IMO

ALL other IF albums are very well done.

BTW who the hell said soilwork sucks??

Listen to their older shit! will blow away any gothenburg music!

They are amazing! Their riffs and style of playing is amazing you must not know much about music if you think they ''suck'' or are are ''shithouse''

I said Soilwork sucks. Wasn't referring to their early stuff, but rather the degenerate pop-rock they spew forth now. Go see them live. It's embarassing. I think it's amusing that Swedish "death metal" has changed to sound exactly like American hardcore. There's no "death" left in the gothenburg scene. The only bands from the Gothenburg scene not going all core on us are The Crown, Vomitory, Lord Belial, and In Aeternum
Originally posted by Sadistik
I said Soilwork sucks. Wasn't referring to their early stuff, but rather the degenerate pop-rock they spew forth now. Go see them live. It's embarassing. I think it's amusing that Swedish "death metal" has changed to sound exactly like American hardcore. There's no "death" left in the gothenburg scene. The only bands from the Gothenburg scene not going all core on us are The Crown, Vomitory, Lord Belial, and In Aeternum

Hardcore? Don't hear it at all.

And the music Soilwork and In Flames does gets zero mainstream recognition in Sweden, calling it "pop" or "american hardcore" just shows how both inaccurate and gay the label game is getting.
Originally posted by Deadly Embrace
Clayman Good, but it's not as aggressive as Colony. ........................PS if you like more thrash than melody, then try Dimension Zero- Silent Night Fever & that comes from Zetro, who I played it for, just for that reason, so he can hear other younger bands that were influenced by him & other Bay Area Bands.......And I agree with Zetro

Always a pleasure getting info from ya. Thank you. I would have gotten Colony, but they didn't have it. I'm looking for it now. And yes, I like more thrash than melody. That's a given. I will definately look for Dimension Zero too. Lets talk about you playing other bands recordings etc.....in email, is that okay?
Originally posted by Sadistik
I said Soilwork sucks. Wasn't referring to their early stuff, but rather the degenerate pop-rock they spew forth now.

I agree 100%

And Vomitory is amazing too ;)

Thanks for clearing that up.